Getafe – Villarreal 0:1 (end)
Getafe CF
0:1 (0:1)
Villarreal CF
Thursday 27.03.2014, 20:00 • Coliseum Alfonso Pérez - Getafe (Madrid) • LaLiga
    This match was not a very nice one. Villareal took a very early lead, but I did not aware that is going to be the one and only goal in this match.
    Getafe was trying to score many times, but in front of the goal, the knowledge was out of work.
    Final results Getafe – Villareal: 0-1
    Thanks for attention!
    ---- (21:53:55)
    Game over.
    Last minute is running, the ball is by the home half. Cani shot in the middle at 20 meters, Codina saved it easily.
    Alexis had a chance to shoot on the right, he did so, but the angle was not good, shot if too high!
    3 minutes added for overtime.
    Corner is out of danger. Villareal had big luck more times tonight to be able to guide their net.
    Valera stole the ball, passed back, Escudero finally bombed in the middle, bounced to corner.
    Villareal is guiding this 1 goal advantage, they play not well today, but it's still enough.
    Colunga fouled, free kick for Villareal in the midfield.
    Costa had a nice movement, did not allow Lafita to reach the ball.
    Pina got the ball from Perbet on the left, he wanted to pass back to the middle, but a defender saved to throw in.
    Corner is out of danger, but Getafe is still possessing the ball.
    Ivi Lopez reached a corner on the left. Getafe span up the speed.
    Free kick for Villareal in the middle, Perbet got a kick.
    Lafita got a ball on the left, he waited for 2 seconds, then fired, nearly out of the stadium.
    Trigueros fouled Lafita, free kick for Getafe on the right at 20 meters.
    Getafe is too many times late by defence, Mosquera escaped yellow this time.
    The play is not nice in these minutes, too many little breaks, no shots.
    Valera got a yellow card as well.
    Michel got a yellow card now.

    Kármán Zoltán

    Goals: 5. Perbet

    Cards:   79. Michel (GET), 80. Valera (GET) – 12. Jokic (VIL), 25. Torres (VIL), 59. Costa (VIL)

    Getafe CF: Codina – Valera, Lopez, Alexis, Escudero – Lacen, Michel – Sarabia, Sammir, Lafita – Colunga
    Subs: César – Arroyo, Leon, Rafa, Borja, Mosquera, Lopez

    Villarreal CF: Asenjo – Pantic, Paulista, Jokic, Costa – Bruno, Trigueros – Torres, Moises – Uche, Perbet
    Subs: Carlos – Pina, dos Santos, Cani, Román, Pereira, Blazquez

    Referees: Clos Gómez – Javier Aguilar, Luis Marco