President Cup 2017 - Gameday 1 (end)
event end
President Cup 2017 - Gameday 1

Friday 04.08.2017, 08:00 • WERK ARENA and MINI WERK ARENA, Trinec, Czech Republic • President Cup HC Oceláři Třinec
    That's all for today, President Cup 2017 resumes tomorrow with another 4 Group games and later with play-off. Good night! (20:28:38)
    CSKA Moscow won 5-0 and cliched a semifinal spot! As well as home team Ocelari Trinec!
    Five minutes left, CSKA still leads 5-0.
    Ten minutes left in today's schedule! CSKA still leads 5-0!
    Match between Energie Karlovy Vary and Dinamo Riga is over, Riga won 5-1.

    Meanwhile in WERK ARENA, CSKA scored it's fifth goal leading 5-0.
    Goal for Energie Karlovy Vary! Lukas Marz scores the first goal of his team in today's last game in MINI WERK ARENA, Riga still leads 5-1.
    Third period in WERK ARENA just started, CSKA leads 4-0 over Dinamo Minsk.
    Second period in WERK ARENA is over, CSKA leads 4-0 over Minsk.

    In MINI WERK ARENA Riga leads 5-0, 16 minutes left.
    Energie Karlovy Vary and Dinamo Riga are in the last period.

    Meanwhile in WERK ARENA, CSKA scores third goal and leads 3-0. Time 35:10.
    Second goal for CSKA, Russian team leads 2-0! Twelve minutes left in the second period.

    Second period is over in MINI WERK ARENA, Dinamo Riga leads 5-0 over Energie Karlovy Vary!
    Two more goals for Dinamo Riga! Latvian team leads 5-0!
    Second period in WERK ARENA starts now!

    Riga's Roberts Zalans scored third goal for his team, Dinamo leads 3-0 over Karlovy Vary.
    Four minutes left from the intermission in game Minsk – CSKA.

    Karlovy Vary and Riga are in the second half of the second period, Riga still leads 2-0.
    First period is over in WERK ARENA, CSKA leads 1-0 against Minsk.
    Karlovy Vary – Dinamo Riga update. Riga leads 2-0, Ricards Benislavskis got past Energie's defence and scored into empty net!
    Karlovy Vary and Riga are up in the second period. Minsk and CSKA have seven minutes left to the first intermission, CSKA still leads 1-0.
    Eight minutes into the first period in WERK ARENA, and CSKA leads 1-0. Goal was scored by Alexander Kvartalnov!
    First period in MINI WERK ARENA is over, Riga leads 1-0 over Karlovy Vary.
    Last game in WERK ARENA between Dinamo Minsk and CSKA Moscow begins now!

    Update on Karlovy Vary – Dinamo Riga game. Riga leads 1-0 after 8 minutes, goal was scored by Davis Ornins.

    Daniel Ježek
