Czech Republic – Austria 17:1 (end)
Czech Republic
17:1 (6:1, 6:0, 5:0)
Wednesday 19.09.2012, 18:30Master’s World Cup in Street & Ball Hockey
    The Czech anthem sounds on the pitch as the home team crushed the Austrians in the opening game of the tournament. Although Austria took the lead with a goal by Gaugg, the final score is 17:1 for the Czech team. (20:02:22)
    Game over.
    Goal for Team Czech Republic!
    JIŘÍ MAŠÍK closes the goal account of the opening game. Assist: Šlehofer.
    Goal for Team Czech Republic!
    Another goal for the Czechs. Now, it's PAVEL KORMUNDA! Assist: Švejda, Josef Kadaně.
    Chance for the Austrians, but Hašek makes the save at the moment.
    The Czechs hit the post of Rulofs's goal.
    Goal for Team Czech Republic!
    The 15th goal of the home team was scored by RADEK KOMANEC. Assist: Mašík.
    Mašík hit the post with a quick one-timer.
    Goal for Team Czech Republic!
    VÁCLAV ŠLEHOFER scored another goal of the home team. Assist: Kovářík.
    The Austrians are locked around their own goal.
    Goal for Team Czech Republic!
    MARTIN KURZ scored the 13th goal of the home team with a precise slap shot from the neutral zone. Assist: Šlehofer.
    Face-off in the neutral zone.
    3rd period began.
    The Austrians changed the goalkeeper for the last period. Rulofs now took the place in the goal.
    Another six goals for the home team. The Czechs decided the game in the first period and now, they just control the scoreline.
    2nd period finished.
    Wienzierl (AUT) is sent out again. This time for boarding.
    After some time, the Austrians also got in front of Hašek, but in the end, the Czech goal wasn't in any danger.
    Kormunda was alone between the circles, but his shot was stopped by a quick glove save from Rainer.
    Goal for Team Czech Republic!
    Three goals in a row for the home team. This time, the goal scorer is MILAN JELÍNEK. Assist: Hoffmann.

    Marek Kratochvíl

    Goals and assists: 3. Jelínek (Hoffmann, Švejda), 4. Kadaně (Švancar, Kormunda), 8. Juráček (Kovařík, Švancar), 11. Mašík (Kvasnička, Komanec), 11. Lekeš (Hoffman, Jiří Kadaně), 11. Švancar (Juráček, Josef Kadaně), 14. Nutil (Mašík), 15. Hoffmann (Švejda), 17. Mašík (Kvasnička), 20. Kormunda (Kurz), 20. Mašík (Komanec), 21. Jelínek (Hoffmann), 26. Kurz (Šlehofer), 30. Šlehofer (Kovářík), 32. Komanec (Mašík), 34. Kormunda (Švejda, Kadaně), 36. Mašík (Šlehofer) - 2. Gaugg (Krumpl)

    Czech Republic: Hašek – Cerman, Jiří Kadaně, Josef Kadaně, Kovářík, Mátl, Nutil, Pavlík, Šlehofer – Cieslar, Hoffman, Juráček, Komanec, Kormunda, Kurz, Kvasnička, Lekeš, Mašík, Švancar, Švejda, Beseda, Jelínek
    Austria: Rainer (Rulofs) – Krenz, Kriener, Michel, Trinkl, Neugebauer, Katholnig, Mistelbacher – Gaugg, Hochkönig, Jud, Reiter, Wienzierl, Tirof, Krumpl, Bauer

    Referees: Bežo, Čačko