Austria – Old Boys SVK 3:7 (end) | Slovakia – USA 4:0 (end) | Greece – Withrow 0:0 (end)
Czech Republic – Canada 3:1 (end)
0:0 (0:0, 0:0, 0:0)
Withrow Knights
Friday 21.09.2012, 14:00Master’s World Cup in Street & Ball Hockey

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    Lucie Mužíková

    Goals and assists:

    Greece: Moschonas - Barbas, Galanis, Karigiannis, Sotirakos, Stavrianos, Stavropoulos, Zisidis - Bovoletis, Harpantidis, Kipopoulos, Kontitsis, Mitrothanasis, Papstergiou, Theodorakopoulos, Zervoudakis
    Withrow Knights: Garrido (Garrard) - Abramowicz, Cobb, Dey, Gandy, Healy, St. Jules, Tucker - Baine, Bogojevic, Da Luz, Decker, Gallo, Hornby, Machado, McSweeney, Mosel, Rollins, Tanner, Tuomisto, Valenta, Wilson.

    Referees: Bezo, Cacko (both SVK)