Osasuna – Atlético 0:2 (end) | Barcelona – Rayo Vallecano 3:1 (end)
FC Barcelona
3:1 (2:0)
Rayo Vallecano
Sunday 17.03.2013, 21:00LaLiga
    Last change of the match. Domínguez who was among the best players of the guests is substituted by youngster Isaac for the last minutes.
    Last possible change by the hosts. Alex Song is in the match for Cesc Fábregas.
    Living Espanyol legend Raúl Tamudo enters the pitch for Delibasic. The home fans are not really happy to see him back as he is known for stealing a championship from them!
    Iniesta leaves the pitch with standing ovations. In for him is Thiago.
    First change by the guests. Lass enters the pitch for Adrián.
    Barceona already have to take their first change. Adriano leaves the pitch with an injury and in for him is Dani Alves.

    Dennis Mende

    Goals: 25. Villa, 40. Messi, 57. Messi – 70. Tamudo

    Cards:   17. Piti (RAY), 28. Trashorras (RAY), 63. Tito (RAY), 68. Rubén (RAY)

    FC Barcelona: Pinto - Adriano (23. D. Alves), Piqué, Mascherano, Alba - Fábregas (82. Song), Busquets, Iniesta (64. Thiago) - Alexis, Messi, Villa
    Rayo Vallecano: Rubén - Arbilla, Figueras, Gálvez, Tito - Adrián (62. Lass), Trashorras - J. Carlos, Domínguez (85. Isaac), Piti - Delibasic (69. Tamudo)

    Referees: González González