Barys – Novokuznetsk 5:3 (end) | HC Yugra – Admiral 2:3 (end) | Avtomobilist – Khabarovsk 5:1 (end)
Cherepovets – Neftekhimik 1:0 (end) | Mytishchi – Traktor 2:3 (end) | SKA St. Petersburg – Metallurg M 0:2 (end)
CSKA – Lev 0:3 (end) | Donbass – Dynamo 2:3 (end)
Atlant Mytishchi
2:3 (1:1, 0:2, 1:0)
Traktor Chelyabinsk
Wednesday 11.12.2013, 16:30 • Arene Mytishchi (Mytischi) • KHL
    Welcome. Game starts at 16:30.
    Traktor Chelyabinsk is going on a trip near Moscow to Atlant Mytischi. Visitors are really not in form, they scored only a single point in the last three matches, 2 clean defeats and 1 after shootout.
    In the mean time Atlant Mytischi is shining, scoring 8 points with 2 clean wins and one shootout victory!
    After 34 matches Mytischi is lying on the 17th position with 48 points, opponent Chelyabinsk only 3 points and 2 places behind!
    So, it can be a really close fight between the two.
    Can Moscow keep up good form or Chelyabinsk suddenly stand up and beat home team?
    We will see it, follow us from 16:30 (c.e.t.!) on Wednesday!
    The goalkeepers' statistic up to date:

    Galimov – 1480:50, 1,9 goals/match, 93,5%
    Borisov – 561:57, 2,7 goals/match, 91,2%

    Garnett – 1810:13, 2,6 goals/match, 91,6%
    Fokin – 207:58, 2,9 goals/match, 89,6%

    Best shooters:
    Kontiola – 7 goals, 14 assists
    Glinkin – 7 goals, 12 assists

    Kosztyicin – 8 goals, 9 assists
    Kuznetsov – 8 goals, 7 assists

    Starting lineups:

    Atlant Mytishchi: Borisov, Galimov – Novopashin, Velikov, Mikhnov, Engquist, Trubachev, Radulov, Glukhov, Atyushov, Kablukov, Batyrshin, Dyblenko, Artyukhin, Petrov, Haataja, Koltsov, Kadeykin, Shevchenko, Soshnikov, Shmelyov

    Traktor Chelyabinsk: Danilishin, Garnett – Borodkin, Popov, Ryabkin, Dugin, Glinkin, Chistov, Katichev, Kontiola, Artamonov, Vasilchenko, Bulis, Khlystov, Kokuyov, Kostitsyn, Bondarev, Kondratiev, Kuznetsov, Abdullin, Mokin, Valeyev

    Referees: D. Bondar, A. Zakharov (Korshak, Chermyshev).
    Sorry, but due to serious technical reasons (no live television coverage on the net, despite showed earlier) no live commentary is available.
    We follow this match with status-changing only!
    Game started.
    Goal for Traktor!

    MOKIN scored a goal for Traktor Chelyabinsk in the 3rd minute after the assist of Abdullin! Traktor is leading the match.
    Dyblenko from Mytischi is forced to go out to a 2-minute penalty. Reason is hooking.
    Chelyabinsk is in power play!
    Kondratiev got a 2-minute penalty (Traktor) for tripping!
    Kokuyov has to sit for 2 minutes too, the referee decided so. Reason is throwing the puck. 2 down for Traktor!
    Goal for Atlant!

    KABLUKOV scored the first goal for home team in power play, so the standings is 1-1 now! The assist was by Koltsov.
    Igor Radulov entered the visitors' period, made a good shot, but goolkeeper Michael Garnett blocked it. Big chance for Mytischi but not successful.
    Bulis had a great opportunity, shot the puck in a dangerous place, but the team mates were in a big late, so failed to score.
    Atlant Mytischi do much more attacks than opponent Chelyabinsk. Significant difference:
    Home team shot 10 times while visitors did so only 4 times.
    Igor Valeev had an average shot, but Stanislav Galimov was able to deflect it easily.
    Glukhov had a chance now for Atlant. This time, opponent goalie, Garnett could kick it to the right, that was dangerous again. The standings is still 1-1.
    Not a big speed for the players to score another goal in this period. They prepared to go into the restroom already.
    1st period finished.
    Traktor Chelyabinsk have taken the early lead but right after it, already in the 8th minute, Atlant Mytischi were able to egalize in a situation of 5 against 4 – the penalty of Kokuyev was still under way.
    More shots, more dangerous attacks by home team Mytischi.
    This is the end of the 1st period.
    Start of 2nd period.
    The second period is already started away! The situation has not changed, no live stream anywhere so status changing is continuing.
    2 minutes away from the 2nd period, no big chances yet, and no more goals, so it remained 1-1.
    Goal for Traktor!

    GLINKIN scored for visitors, so Traktor is leading the match again!
    Assist by Popov and Kokuev.
    6 minutes has tickin away from the second period. Like in the 1st period, Mytischi has much more attacks, but Chelyabinsk has taken the lead again!
    Alexei Vasilchenko had a nice shot again, but not a big problem for Galimov – the goalkeeper was able to defend again.
    Sergei Shmelev made a big danger in front of Garnett's net. After a faceoff, he hit the puck immediately, but it was not exact totally.
    Yevgeniy Katichev suffers a two minute-penaly for the guests due to holding. 2-minute-chance for Moscow for egalizing again!
    Rafael Batirshin shot from the blue line, it was dangerous too, but defenders were able to relieve the goal.
    Traktor escaped the power play. Again full number of players!
    Ilya Kablukov's trial of shooting is not good enough.
    Now there has been three consecutive shots by Mythischi. Traktor still has the lead.
    Goal for Traktor!

    POPOV scored again for Traktor!
    The visitor team is leading by 3-1!
    Assists by Glinkin and Borotkin. Nice passing was by Glinkin.
    Radulov has just shot again from mid distance, slightly wide. Some centimeters still away from the goal and opponent Traktor scored 3 times already despite having much less attacks and dangerous situations!
    Novopashin shot after a nice swing, but Garnett guided his net again!
    Rafael Batirshin almost scored an own goal, but Galimov was able to save!
    Mikhail Glukhov increased speed, huge shot but Michael Garnett saved once again! This is Garnett's great day!
    2nd period finished.
    This period was dominated by Mytischi attacks, but no success. In the mean time, Chelyabinsk were able to score twice, so the advantage is 2 goals already and only one period left!
    It this the day where Traktor's very bad form changes and the fortune comes to them?
    They need one more goal I think to relieve. Moscow has very dangerous shots, but not exact enough.
    Start of 3rd period.
    The 3rd period has just started. Less than 20 minutes left for Mytischi to egalize or for Chelyabinsk for keeping or increasing the advantage.
    Without any serious actions the players are fighting for the puck in the middle field, no heavy shots yet in this period.
    Rukavishnikov shot a huge one, but there was no real angle for him, Traktor's goalkeeper, Garnett saved another one!
    Mikhail Glukhov does a try again but Garnett is in his place as always! 15 minutes left from the game.
    Alexei Vasilchenko has to be absent for 2 minutes. He's in the penalty box due to hooking, Traktor is one man down now.
    Michael Garnett is excellent today! Another missed chance by Vitaly Novopashin. After a nice attack, he shot from really close distance, but today's goalkeeper star guided the net again!
    Traktor is doing everything they can to reserve the net from opponents' goals! They desprerately need points, 3 if possible today.
    Yevgeniy Katichev is out for 2 minutes, power play for Mytischi again due to tripping. It's a huge risk for visitors to be one man down. Can they go through this pressure?
    Traktor got away with this penalty again! Full number now.
    Artyukhin shot with backhand, but the shot was not good enough to defeat Michael Garnett!
    Goal for Atlant!

    BATIRSHIN scored the second home-goal after the assist of Koltsov and Glukhov! The adrift is only one goal now and still a lot of time left!
    In the last 14 matches Atlanta Mytischi won 9 times, in the mean time Traktor Chelyabinsk scored only 5 victories. The goal-difference was 39-29 for home-team of course. This one could be the 6th victory for Traktor, but still 7 minutes left.
    Trubachev shot immediately after a face-off, but Garnett saved again.
    5 minutes left. Pressure is on Traktor visibly.
    By Atlant Mytischi hasn't played Mikhnov, Dyblenko and Juha-Pekka Haat, by visitors Artamonov and Khlystov also not on the ice today.
    Moscow is trying everything but no egalizing yet and there's lack of time now.
    Engquist shot after a face-off from the left, Garnett is on his position!
    Artyukhin has done the same, strong shooting, Michael Garnett saved another nice one!
    Time out for Atalanta.
    Moscow goalkeeper Galimov has been brought down, replaced by a field player to be in a short power play 6 against 5 players.
    Artyukhin shoots again, but wide and no chance to have another attack!
    The horn made its work.
    Game over.
    After a really weak and sad serial, Traktor Chelyabinsk was able to defeat Moscow Atalant Mytischi and after a very long time, scored a well deserved win in the KHL.
    Michael Garnett has been in outstanding form today, this fact was one key for the victory for Traktor!
    Mytischi shot 40 times during this event (13-15-12), Traktor fired only 14 times (5-9-0). Unbelievably they didn't have any shots in the third period, but the victory is for Chelyabinsk, so statistics are absolutely nothing.
    Home team won 33 face-offs, while visitors grabbed 27 ones.
    2-minute penalties 2 against 10 minutes.
    (2-0-0) and (4-2-4).
    So, the final results: Atlant – Traktor 2-3 after normal time!
    Thanks for attention!
    ---- (18:56:13)

    Kármán Zoltán

    Goals and assists: 8. Kablukov (Koltsov), 53. Batirshin (Glukhov, Koltsov) – 3. Mokin (Abdullin), 23. Glinkin (Popov, Kokuev), 33. Popov (Glinkin, Borotkin)

    Atlant Mytishchi: Borisov, Galimov – Novopashin, Velikov, Mikhnov, Engquist, Trubachev, Radulov, Glukhov, Atyushov, Kablukov, Batyrshin, Dyblenko, Artyukhin, Petrov, Haataja, Koltsov, Kadeykin, Shevchenko, Soshnikov, Shmelyov
    Traktor Chelyabinsk: Danilishin, Garnett – Borodkin, Popov, Ryabkin, Dugin, Glinkin, Chistov, Katichev, Kontiola, Artamonov, Vasilchenko, Bulis, Khlystov, Kokuyov, Kostitsyn, Bondarev, Kondratiev, Kuznetsov, Abdullin, Mokin, Valeyev

    Referees: D. Bondar, A. Zakharov (Korshak, Chermyshev)

    Attendance: 5100