Avangard – Admiral 4:1 (end) | HC Yugra – Novosibirsk 2:1 (end) | Avtomobilist – Novokuznetsk 2:0 (end)
Barys – Khabarovsk 8:2 (end) | SKA St. Petersburg – Salavat Yulaev 1:2 (end) | Riga – Lev 1:2 (0:2 after SO)
SKA St. Petersburg
1:2 (0:0, 0:2, 1:0)
Salavat Yulaev Ufa
Saturday 28.12.2013, 14:00 • Ledovyj Dvorets (Sankt Peterburg) • KHL
    Very good match it was and the last few minutes became really exciting. Fireworks at the visitors' net, but only one goal was scored in the end.
    Ufa has beaten St Petersburg with surprise by 2-1.
    Thanks for attention!
    ---- (16:21:28)
    Game over.
    The last faceoff after the very long relief of Shchitov.
    Dallman had a huge shot in the middle, the goalkeeper deflected it, Cervenka also had a trial, it was a bit wide!
    Time out for SKA. Salak leaves the ice, a 6th field player in going to play in the last minute.
    Pressure is really on Ufa. Sokhatsky in his place.
    No goal finally. Faceoff.
    Game is stopped for at least 3 minutes due to the video-judge, still no decision.
    Sokhatsky was lying on the puck on the line. Was it a goal? We don't know, video replay!
    Goal for SKA!

    The puck bounced ahead of KALININ, he was able to push the puck inside the goal with his stick.
    Panarin had a chance on the left, Zubarev cleaned before the big shot, what a nice defence.
    Superb defence by Ufa, home team hasn't reached an opportunity for scoring for minutes already.
    Salak put his hands on the puck on safe but there was no shot this time. The time is running for the teams and SKA hasn't scored yet, only 5 minutes left.
    Ankudinov blocked a shot with his body. He sat down on the bench with painful face.
    Zaborsky had a great shot, Salak guided his net with his head, puck bounced off the bounds.
    Shipachev passed across to Kovalchuk, but the shot was too wide from the right.
    Third time Sokhatsky deflected the shot of Kalinin.
    Sokhatsky's save after the shot of Igor Makarov.
    Sokhatsky grabbed the puck ahead of Panarin. Faceoff.
    Igor Makarov wanted to shoot but when entered the zone, some tenth of a second earlier a team mate was already there, offside.
    Yulaev mainly defending their goal in these minutes, attacking would be too risky.
    Martensson was quick on the right, had a shot in the middle, but the goal post saved Ufa. They escaped this very dangerous situation.
    SKA is putting pressure on Salavat's goal very hard, but the defence is working well so far.
    Attack by St Petersburg, but the puck slid off the zone by a centimeter.
    Ankudinov was tricky, wanted to pull the puck into the net with backhand after sliding around the goal, but Salak was careful, saved.
    Panarin's shot bounced off Martensson's skate next to the goal on the left side. Quite a dangerous situation.
    Very quick trial by Tikhonov, the shot was not exact!
    Start of 3rd period.
    Teams are ready to start the 3rd period.
    This period was a nightmare for St Petersburg, Ufa has taken a 2-goal advantage. The second one happened while home team was playing power play. SKA needs everything to do to score at least twice in the next 20 minutes. Stay with us!
    2nd period finished.
    Dubrovsky was close to fire now but a defender denied it then Salak took the puck.
    Last minute, no chance in these minutes.
    Ankudinov nearly stole the puck in front of opponent's net.
    Goal for Salavat Yulaev!
    Kontra, then SOPEL fired a huge one by a one man down situation from the right side, and scored! The advantage is doubled after the assist of Kaigorodov.
    Dallman then Tikhonov shot, blocked.
    Mereskin is out for 2 minutes for a penalty.
    Cervenka fired from the left, too wide.
    Kuteikin has pushed Zaborsky from the front part of the goal in chance, failed to shoot due to this. He was waiting for too long.
    Hartikainen had a great chance, after a shot the puck bounced towards the goal from his helmet, but a little bit wide and high.
    Filatov fired from the left, too wide.
    Mirnov shot from the right once again, Salak saved again very skilled.
    Mirnov huge shot from the right, some centimeters wide, then Salak saved the shot of Zubarev.
    Penalty for Kovalchuk, roughing. 2 minutes power play for Salavat Yulaev!
    Kovalchuk got 2+10 minutes.
    Great defence by SKA in these minutes, Ufa wasn't able to fire at once either.
    Ketov is penalised for 2 minutes. Power play for Salavat now.
    Goal for Salavat Yulaev!
    MIRNOV got a gift, the puck at the back of the goal, he turned around the goal and pulled the puck back to the net between the goalie's legs. Very nice goal! Ufa takes the lead!
    Panarin swinged behind the goal, pass was not successful.
    Hartikainen had a trick from the right side, but no one followed him for taking his pass in the middle.
    Khlystov had a solo, passed to the right beut fell off due to Burdasov and moved the goal away. No trouble afterwards.
    Koltsov fired from the middle left side, Salak saved it, puck bounced out of bounds. Big chance for Ufa.
    Ketov passed back to Makarov Igor, but no shot finally, a defender could push the puck away with his stick.
    Zubarev arrived for a pass, but the pass was not exact to the right, missed chance for Ufa in one man down situation.
    Cervenka had a tricky shot, a little bit wide and too high, it was a huge chance.
    Babchuk hooked Panarin, 2 minute penalty. Power play for St Petersburg.
    Kovalchuk failed to fire, a defender blocked him before shooting.
    Start of 2nd period.
    The 2nd period is starting soon, the teams are already on the ice.
    No goals in the first period, but many great opportunities by both teams. The match is quite exciting, the players do a lot for scoring. Stay with us, we'll be back after the break!
    1st period finished.
    Panarin's late shot deflected by Sokhatsky.
    Pihlström shot again, Alexandrov blocked it then Salak held it in hands.
    Shot by Ponikarovsky, not a problem for Sokhatsky. Last minute is running.
    Sokhatsky saved the shot of Kucheryavenko.
    Good defence by Ufa, no shooting position for home team so far.
    Slashing, 2 minute penalty for Koltsov. Power play for St Petersburg.
    Kovalchuk got the puck in the middle by a distance of 3 meters, Sokhatsky again in his place, deflected it.
    Long puck too long by St Petersburg, faceoff is coming after the commercial break.
    Dubrovsky had a close shot from the right side, Salak once again blocked with body.
    Pihlström 1 in 1 in the middle, huge chance but Salak was better again, saved. After 20 seconds, the situation absolutely the same and Salak again saved superbly!
    Sigarev had a quick shot from the left, but failed to score, Sokhatsky deflected it. SKA came to power again.
    Kovalchuk slid across right in front of the goalkeeper and fired, Sokhatsky saved with leg! Huge chance on the other side too!
    Huge pressure on home goal, Koltsov had a close shot from the right, he has hit the right goal post, the puck was sliding across on the line but didn't go through it, and bounced away on the other side. Salavat was very very close to score now!
    Koltsov fired from the middle, a defender blocked it with his body.
    Pihlström had a huge chance in the middle very close to the net, almost in the blue zone, fired the puck but Salak finally was able to hold it with his gloves!
    Full strength for St Petersburg, there was no severe action during this penalty time.
    Igor Makarov shot in a man down situation from the left, Sokhatsky saved.
    Ufa is attacking in power play.
    Ryasensky is out for 2 minutes due to roughing.
    Panarin was quick on the right, but good defence by Koltsov, denied Panarin to shoot, then after a swing, the puck bounced out of bounds.
    Záborsky wanted to pass to Dubrovsky, it was successful, he shot from the right but the shot was not exact, Salak has taken the puck.
    Shipachev had a run, failed to fire in the end due to Koltsov. SKA started this match much more active way!
    Martensson had a little chance in the middle, but the pass was not exact, defenders relieved.
    Game started.
    SKA is goint to play in black and Salavat in white. The game is starting soon.
    Starting lineups:

    SKA St. Petersburg: Ezhov, Salak – Alexandrov, Kalinin, Martensson, Tikhonov, Kucheryavenko, Kovalchuk, Ponikarovsky, Makarov I., Sigarev, Dallman, Ketov, Kuteikin, Yudin, Cervenka, Burdasov, Panarin, Chudinov, Ryasensky, Shipachev

    Salavat Yulaev Ufa: Volkov, Sokhatsky – Zubarev, Koltsov, Ankudinov, Vishnevskiy, Mirnov, Makarov D., Shchitov, Mereskin, Isangulov, Filatov, Khlystov, Stepanov, Sopel, Babchuk, Pihlström, Kulda, Dubrovsky, Kaigorodov, Hartikainen, Záborsky

    Referees: Kulakov, Gusev.
    Welcome. Game starts at 14:00.

    Kármán Zoltán

    Goals and assists: 58. Kalinin – 28. Mirnov (Mereskin), 37. Sopel (Kaigorodov)

    SKA St. Petersburg: Ezhov, Salak – Alexandrov, Kalinin, Martensson, Tikhonov, Kucheryavenko, Kovalchuk, Ponikarovsky, Makarov I., Sigarev, Dallman, Ketov, Kuteikin, Yudin, Cervenka, Burdasov, Panarin, Chudinov, Ryasensky, Shipachev
    Salavat Yulaev Ufa: Volkov, Sokhatsky – Zubarev, Koltsov, Ankudinov, Vishnevskiy, Mirnov, Makarov D., Shchitov, Mereskin, Isangulov, Filatov, Khlystov, Stepanov, Sopel, Babchuk, Pihlström, Kulda, Dubrovsky, Kaigorodov, Hartikainen, Záborsky

    Referees: Kulakov, Gusev

    Attendance: 12180