Spartak – Dinamo Minsk 1:2 (end) | Medvescak – Donbass 1:3 (end)
Spartak Moscow
1:2 (0:0, 1:1, 0:1)
HC Dinamo Minsk
Saturday 04.01.2014, 14:00 • Dvorets sporta Sokolniki -Moskva (Moscow) • KHL
    Several big chances for Spartak in the last few minutes but they missed all of them. Lalande really deserved the praise, he saved superbly during the whole match.
    Dinamo Minsk was able to defeat Spartak Moscow by 2-1. Minsk scored 3 points today.
    Thanks for attention!
    ---- (16:08:11)
    Game over.
    Huge fight front of the net and Minsk could hold on finally!
    Goalkeeper out by Spartak, 6 field players on.
    Can Minsk hold on in the last minute too?
    The goal was empty after a save but Quint missed the puck. Now full strength!
    Kozlov fired from the right, Lalande saved with his gloves!
    Bodrov had a shot in the middle, it was slightly wide, pressure is on visitors.
    Penalty for Minsk. Usenko is out for 2 minutes due to hooking. Now the last chance for Moscow with this power play.
    That was the 'match ball' I believe. Shinkevich had a one in one against Glass, but his trick was not successful, the goalkeeper won the battle.
    Demidov fell over in front of the goal, not being able to get the puck.
    Minsk is not paying attention on attacks, focusing on defence knowing that Moscow is risking everything now.
    Minsk changed the exhausted players. Now Toluzakov had a close shot in the middle, Lalande saved with his legs. Faceoff.
    Pressure is again really on the zone of Minsk, Spartak Moscow puts it on, trying everything to score.
    Sergeyev had a shot, blocked, the puck bounced in front of Pesekhonov, he had another trial in the middle, Lalande held it in his hands. Big chance it was.
    Full strength for Minsk, they escaped this penalty and immediately lost the pressure on their goal.
    Kozlov fired from the right side, Lalande deflected it again.
    Problems with the ice, game stopped. Almost a minute remaining from the penalty.
    Wandell passed to Quint to shoot, he did so, but a defender had a brave save, he jumped in front of the flying puck. Krajicek had this great block.
    Goroshko is penalised for 2 minutes from Minsk. Another chance for Spartak by the power play Now commercial break is on.
    Kozlov wanted to slide around the goal to have a dangerous moment but Kitarov tackled him in the last second before passing back.
    Offside by Minsk. The tempo is good enough but there is lack of big shots in these minutes.
    Midfield play is on now without severe shots, Medvedev fired this time after a very long time, but missed the target a bit.
    It's hardly ever can be seen that a team suffers a real own goal in ice hockey. That happened now, poor Kulik.
    Goal for Dinamo Minsk!
    Own goal by Moscow!! Poor visitor player KULIK scored after an across shot with his skate! Officially IRGL got the goal due to the last player who passed inside.
    Krajicek already tried a strong shot in the middle, Glass was on his place to deflect it.
    Start of 3rd period.
    Teams are ready for the fireworks, the last period!
    Moscow has taken the lead but very quickly Minsk equalized the standings. Spartak was not able to deal with the huge opportunity being 5 against 3 players on the ice for 2 whole minutes.
    The match is open, stay with us by the last period after 15 minutes!
    2nd period finished.
    Almost a late goal by Minsk, Materukhin had a shot from the right side, Glass saved superbly!
    The replay shows that Quint shot on the left goal post, it bounced on the back of Lalande but finally the puck left the zone on the right side some centimeters in front of the goal line.
    Last minute running. No big chance by Minsk attack.
    Full strength for Dinamo, they escaped the previous 2 minutes.
    Mayhem in front of the net, but the puck was not inside the goal somehow!
    Kozlov passed to Anderson right in front of the net but the goalkeeper was more clever again!
    Shot of Anderson too wide.
    Quint had a shot from the right, Lalande saved. He will have a difficult time now still.
    5 against 3 now on the ice.
    Another penalty now. Lintner and Osipov both out in the penalty box now, so it must be not a simple penalty but more! Time out by Spartak as well.
    Full strength for Minsk, they escaped it very easily.
    Moscow cannot stand on power play formation this time.
    2 minute penalty for Osipov. Power play for Moscow now 5 against 4. Osipov is sitting in the penalty box, but he didn't do anything harsh, only too many players on the ice at the same time.
    Sorry for the name difference, but the official paper contained Efimenko, but on his back we can read Yefimenko.
    Goal for Dinamo Minsk!
    EFIMENKO got away on the left side, turned in front of the goal but very tricky he put the puck on the 'short side' between the goalie and the goal post on the left side. Very nice goal. 1-1!
    Yunkov got a situation of 1 against 1 but Lalande again won the battle.
    Medvedev shot from the right side this time, Lalande deflected it. The situation was similar to the goal.
    Sergeyev could be able to score another goal from a very close distance after a turmoil in front of the net, but the goalie was too close, no room for shooting.
    Full strength for Dinamo.
    Sergeyev then Anderson had a dangerous situation after shots, both times Lalande deflected the fired puck! Still power play is on for Spartak.
    Both Yunkov and Bodrov had a huge shot, Lalande denied them both times! Clever saves after these good shots.
    Lintner is out for 2 minutes, power play for Spartak Moscow now.
    Materukhin almost equalized immediately! A rush attack by Minsk, he got the puck on the right side, but by his shot, Glass was able to reach to the other side from the left so saved with his body!
    Goal for Spartak!
    After a faceoff, Medvedev passed superbly to PESHEKHONOV from the right to the left, he fired very close to the net ... a superb goal! Spartak in advance now as 1-0.
    Spirko took the puck into the zone but instead of shooting, he passed back to Wandell, but the pass was not exact so chance was lost.
    Zheldakov carried the puck into the zone, Lalande put his hands on it, faceoff. Mid-play is common so far.
    Yunkov had a shot at the blue line in the middle, but a defender blocked it with his stick.
    Start of 2nd period.
    Shots on goal in the first period: 8-5 for Spartak. Goalkeepers in brilliant form today.
    The all out attacks were stopped after the first 10 minutes, but several shots on goals happened, the goalkeepers are really in good form today. This match is excellent so far, but the goal is absent yet.
    Stay with us for the rest of the match, we'll be back in 15 minutes.
    1st period finished.
    Yunkov had a sudden chance to fire, he shot from the middle, Lalande deflected it with reflex.
    Krutov had a really distant shot beyond the blue line, no problem for Lalande.
    Medvedev had a superb tackle in his own zone, Materukhin was sliding towards the net, but Medvedev stole the puck from behind with his stick. Perfect movement.
    Full strength for Spartak.
    Lintner fired from the left, it was way from successful, Glass saved it easily with his stick.
    Spirko slid into the zone, fired the puck but it was not strong enough, Lalande kicked it out. The second chance while a team mate is in the penalty box.
    Anderson got away with the puck on the left side despite being one man down, he had to shoot from a bad angle, Lalande saved with his body.
    Zheldakov is out for 2 minutes for penalty. Power play for Dinamo Minsk. Reason: hooking.
    Irgl shot from the right side a big one, Glass was able to block it with his right leg! What a chance!
    Wandell passed to Spirko to the middle, he was to shoot but a defender stole the puck in the very last moment.
    The referee fell off because Stas was fighting for the puck and didn't see him. The crowd loved that moment.
    Efimenko was close to score again, Glass hit the puck away with his stick before Efimenko shot very close to the net.
    Half of period is gone, both teams have the opportunities, but Spartak has had more ones.
    Many chances in these minutes, but the domination of attacks is for Spartak in the first 10 minutes. The number of shots is going to be excellent if the teams continue it such a way!
    Wandell had an imminent shot from the right side after a faceoff, Lalande's save guided the visitors from the goal.
    The first commercial break is now on. This match is outstanding so far!
    Kalyuzhny missed a huge chance in the middle after a great pass from the right. He shot in the goalkeeper very close. The second excellent chance to score for Dinamo Minsk.
    Kitarov had a shot from the middle, Glass guided his net after this big chance.
    Medvedev is sent off for 2 minutes from Spartak. Power play for Dinamo this time. Reason: high sticking.
    Peshekhonov and Medvedev had a 2 against 2 but a defender relieved.
    Kozlov fired from the right side, Lalande deflected this shot again. Spartak really active in attacking in these minutes. In the mean time full strength for both teams now.
    Kalyuzhny was able to do a fastbreak, had a one in one situation against home goalkeeper Glass, the goalie saved superbly! Almost a goal for Minsk!
    2 minute penalty for the visitors, Shinkevich is in the penalty box. Power play for Spartak. Reason: holding.
    Wandell had a huge chance already in the first minute, Lalande saved it.
    Spartak Moscow is playing in red, Dinamo Minsk in white and blue.
    Game started.
    The two national anthems are now on, the match is starting soon!
    Starting lineups:

    Spartak Moscow: Ivanov, Glass – Quint, Sergeev, Spirko, Kozlov, Anderson, Yunkov, Demidov, Mamkin, Kvasha, Bodrov, Kulik, Volkov, Grishin, Krutov, Ignashin, Wandell, Zheldakov, Toluzakov, Medvedev, Peshekhonov

    HC Dinamo Minsk: Lalande, Milchakov – Lintner, Shinkevich, Drozd, Dadonov, Kalyuzhny, Zacharov, Irgl, Stas, Krajicek, Efimenko, Materukhin, Surovy, Nogachyov, Usenko, Osipov, Kaznadey, Kitarov, Goroshko, Gavrus, Kiryushchenko

    Referees: Anisimov, Rönn.
    Both Spartak Moscow and Dinamo Minsk are in low form. Moscow has lost the last 5 matches, scoring only 1 point.
    Minsk had only slightly better mathes, only had a single win in the last 5 events.
    It can be a good fight today, follow us from 14:00 (cet!) on Saturday!
    Welcome. Game starts at 14:00.

    Kármán Zoltán

    Goals and assists: 25. Peshekhonov (Medvedev, Ignashin) – 33. Efimenko (Irgl, Kitarov), 41. Irgl

    Spartak Moscow: Ivanov, Glass – Quint, Sergeev, Spirko, Kozlov, Anderson, Yunkov, Demidov, Mamkin, Kvasha, Bodrov, Kulik, Volkov, Grishin, Krutov, Ignashin, Wandell, Zheldakov, Toluzakov, Medvedev, Peshekhonov
    HC Dinamo Minsk: Lalande, Milchakov – Lintner, Shinkevich, Drozd, Dadonov, Kalyuzhny, Zacharov, Irgl, Stas, Krajicek, Efimenko, Materukhin, Surovy, Nogachyov, Usenko, Osipov, Kaznadey, Kitarov, Goroshko, Gavrus, Kiryushchenko

    Referees: Anisimov, Rönn