Medvescak – Dinamo Minsk 4:1 (end) | Donbass – Spartak 3:2 (after OT)
Medvescak Zagreb
4:1 (0:1, 2:0, 2:0)
HC Dinamo Minsk
Monday 06.01.2014, 17:30 • Dom Sportova (Zagreb) • KHL
    This game was quite long, especially the second period. In spite of Minsk leading the match after 20 minutes, Zagreb won the match quite easily with 4-1 and scored 3 points with it.
    Thanks for attention!
    ---- (21:45:03)
    Game over.
    Svarny fired the puck from the middle, Lalande held it with his gloves. Faceoff.
    Jessiman almost scored the 5th goal, the shot was slightly wide only – from the right wing.
    Minsk not risking a lot for scoring either. Medvescak still leading more attacks.
    Murray fired from the right side, Lalande was able to block it and hold it, so faceoff is coming.
    Full strength, Medvescak was not go on goal scoring very much now. 4-1 is a calm standings for them.
    This period is running much quicker than the previous one. Half amount of breaks.
    Irgl is sent off for 2 minutes, another power play for Zagreb.
    Gavrus had a huge chance in the middle close to the goal, had a shot but Brust deflected it with his body.
    Thomas arrived at the right side in dangerous position and Murley was also there by a pass in front of opponent's goal, but the pass was not exact, chance lost.
    Goal for Medvescak Zagreb!
    POPOVIC dealed with the 1 man advantage, shot from the middle and scored the 4th Zagreb goal. Game looks to be decided now. Assist by Vesce from behind the goal..
    2 minute penalty for Dinamo Minsk. Linthner has to sit in the penalty box, power play for Medvescak. Commercial break now.
    Pass from the back, Murley had the chance to increase the advantage with a close shot, Lalande blocked it.
    Osipov had a trial from the left after a trick, then Filichkin also fired from the left, Brust deflected both times.
    Shinkevich had a trial from the left, Brust saved it. Zagreb's advantage looks to be good now.
    Goal for Medvescak Zagreb!
    RYAN had a superb chance and dealed with it! 3-1 for Zagreb! Close shot after the pass of Murley.
    Dinamo Minsk led the first attack, Nogachyov had an unexpected shot from the right, Brust was careful enough, held it with his gloves.
    Start of 3rd period.
    This period was outstandingly long with many breaks. But during the play, Zagreb changed the game standings, now 2-1 for Medvescak. However the game is not decided yet, stay with us!
    2nd period finished.
    Goal for Medvescak Zagreb!
    Sasa MARTINOVIC scored for home team their second goal now. His distant shot bounced on Jesseman's leg and stick on the left side, so 2-1 now!
    Surovy got a gift puck by Brust, had a shot in the middle, but it was a bit too wide. What a chance for present!
    All the trials are denied in the first 40 seconds, but Medvescak tries to put pressure on Minsk now.
    Materukhin is out for 2 minutes now. Power play for Zagreb this time.
    Full strength for Medvescak, Dinamo didn't have any chance to score.
    Martinovic is penalised for 2 minutes, so power play for Minsk now.
    Brust had a superb shot after the shot of Kitarov from the left. From Brust's body, the puck bounced on the top goal post, then away.
    Drozd shot from the left side from a very sharp angle, Brust deflected it easily.
    Bjorkstrand wanted to put the puck into the net behind the goal of Minsk, but Lalande expected it and closed the angle well.
    Foster had a healthy shot from the left side, the goalkeeper again saved with his head. Now commercial break.
    Nogachyov in offside position, the game is running very slow continously.
    There are plenty of breaks now, the game is extremely many times broken with faceoffs.
    Lalande saved his goal with his head after a Zagreb shot in the middle, the puck bounced far out of the field among the spectators.
    Brust jumped after the puck very far from his net after failing to grab it at his first attempt.
    Kalyuzhny blocked a shot with his body from the left side, needs first aid, stayed on the ice.
    Fight behind Minsk's goal between Kane and a defender Koroshko after a save of Lalande. It was a great chance after the shot of Walker.
    Linglet stole the puck in the opponent zone, Cheechoo had a close shot, threatening situation, Lalande guided his net.
    Medvescak stayed in attacking mood, but now not as speedy as earlier.
    Klubertanz had a weak shot from the right near the blue line, easily saved by Lalande.
    Goal for Medvescak Zagreb!
    Scorer is CHEECHOO.
    Linglet passed fromt he right to the middle, CHEECHOO got the pass and bombed it directly into the net. 1-1!
    Stas, the goal scorer had a trial from the middle, but failed to score, deflected by Brust.
    Connection in recovery, but some kind of details already watchable, so back to the match now!
    Sorry connection is totally lost to Zagreb, no broadcast now, until the recovery I have to do result-following. We will join to the normal broadcasting as soon as possible.
    Start of 2nd period.
    Connection is lost to Zagreb, we hope for the very quick recovery!
    Medvescak had way the more attacks and shots, but the standings is now 0-1. Minsk dealed with their one and only real chance.
    Stay with us on this exciting match!
    1st period finished.
    Jessiman is out for 2 minutes due to roughing and Kaznadey is out for 2 minutes due to interference. So no power play, but 4 against 4.
    Last minute is running, Walker passed ahead, but a penalty in sight by the visitors.
    Efimenko had a kontra-attack again, but he couldn't get to position to fire on the left, but it was close.
    Murley had a huge shot in the middle, Lalande deflected it with superb speed.
    Nyström had a dangerous situation on the left near the board, but finally didn't reach a chance to shoot. Zagreb in attacking mood.
    Kane shot in the middle, Lalande saved in safe.
    Materukhin started a brave solo alone among the defenders, but finally the last one picked the puck and grabbed it.
    Ivan Svarny is out for 2 minutes, penalty. Now commercial break.
    Zagreb had much more attacks so far, but the goal lead is by Minsk.
    Goal for Dinamo Minsk!
    Unbelievable, Minsk scored in their first serious attack! STAS got a dream pass, had a fastbreak in the middle, pulled the puck to the left and bombed it into the goal! 0-1!
    Defence of Medvescak is excellent so far. Irgl stole the puck but the defenders blocked his shot as well. Minsk hardly ever get to big chances today so far.
    Svarny fired a huge bomb from the left side, but his stick broke into two pieces, the shot was not was not very strong due to this.
    Minsk escaped this power play quite easily.
    Thomas had a chance in the middle, but the goalkeeper pushed the puck away right before reaching him the puck.
    2 minutes penalty for Dinamo Minsk, in the penalty box there we can find Nogachyov. Power play for Zagreb.
    Unexpected shot by Martinovic, Lalande saved it.
    Cheechoo is fighting for the puck behind the Minsk's goal, finally claimed it.
    Murley accidentally moved away the goal after the push of Filichkin.
    Murley almost stole the puck behind the opponent's goal, but finally Zagreb took it back and Kitarov had a dangerous shot, a little bit wide, and the goal has been moved away, recovering.
    Brust had the first save after the shot of Stas from the left wing position.
    Lalande saved the shot of Murley in the middle, it was not quite strong.
    Medvescak tried the first attack, Surovy got the puck, good defence work in the first minute.
    Zagreb is playing in dark blue, Dinamo Minsk in white.
    Game started.
    The game is starting now.
    Starting lineups:

    Medvescak Zagreb: Dekanich, Brust – Klubertanz, Popovic, Linglet, Thomas, Nyström, Svarny, Walker, Glumac, Murray, Cheechoo, Vesce, Ryan, Murley, Martinovic, Kane, Jessiman, Foster, Bjorkstrand, Katic

    HC Dinamo Minsk: Lalande, Milchakov – Lintner, Shinkevich, Filichkin, Drozd, Dadonov, Kalyuzhny, Zacharov, Irgl, Stas, Efimenko, Materukhin, Surovy, Nogachyov, Usenko, Osipov, Kaznadey, Kitarov, Goroshko, Gavrus, Kiryushchenko

    Referees: Karabanov, Cherenkov.
    The latest news about this match that it will NOT start at 17:30, but officially, the start of this match became to 19:30 for some reasons. I'm waiting still for confirmation, but it looks very much like this match is going to start at 19:30 today!
    Follow us!
    Welcome. Game starts at 17:30.

    Kármán Zoltán

    Goals and assists: 24. Cheechoo (Linglet), 40. Martinovic, 43. Ryan (Murley), 50. Popovic (Vesce) – 13. Stas

    Medvescak Zagreb: Dekanich, Brust – Klubertanz, Popovic, Linglet, Thomas, Nyström, Svarny, Walker, Glumac, Murray, Cheechoo, Vesce, Ryan, Murley, Martinovic, Kane, Jessiman, Foster, Bjorkstrand, Katic
    HC Dinamo Minsk: Lalande, Milchakov – Lintner, Shinkevich, Filichkin, Drozd, Dadonov, Kalyuzhny, Zacharov, Irgl, Stas, Efimenko, Materukhin, Surovy, Nogachyov, Usenko, Osipov, Kaznadey, Kitarov, Goroshko, Gavrus, Kiryushchenko

    Referees: Karabanov, Cherenkov