HC Yugra – Medvescak 1:4 (end) | Avtomobilist – Spartak 2:0 (end) | Traktor – Neftekhimik 3:5 (end)
Traktor Chelyabinsk
3:5 (1:0, 0:3, 2:2)
HC Neftekhimik Nizhnekamsk
Saturday 18.01.2014, 12:00 • Traktor Arena (Chelyabinsk) • KHL
    Welcome. Game starts at 12:00.
    Starting lineups:

    Traktor Chelyabinsk: Garnett, Danilishin – Borodkin, Popov, Ryabykin, White, Glinkin, Zavarukhin, Chistov, Katichev, Kontiola, Vasilchenko, Bulis, Khlystov, Kokuyov, Kostitsyn, Bondarev, Kondratiev, Osnovin, Abdullin, Mokin, Valeyev

    HC Neftekhimik Nizhnekamsk: Dalton, Sudnitsin -Berezin, Kurbatov, Kosmachev, Khokhryakov, Kulikov, Mnikhovich, Rybin, Koukal, Taratukhin, Trunev, Polygalov, Mamashev, Shulakov, Netik, Belousov, Romanov, Zdunov, Sexton, S. Alshevsky.
    The Russian national anthem is on at this moment.
    Game started.
    Garnett and Sudnitsin are in front of the goals at the start!
    Traktor is playing in black, Neftekhimik in white and blue.
    Already a penalty. Trunyov (Trunev) has to sit for 2 minutes in the penalty box. Power play for Traktor.
    Glinkin got away on the left side, but the defenders turned around him and got the puck.
    Home team was passing in power play formation, but a defender was able to touch the puck and push outside the zone.
    Kondratiev had a shot then Bulis also had a trial, Sudnitsin saved both attempt.
    Traktor couldn't deal with the chance but another penalty in sight now.
    2 minute penalty for Nefekhimik Nizhnekamsk, maybe Kurbatov is out for 2 minutes (2 defenders fouled a Traktor player at the same time).
    Turmoil in front of the goal of visitors, Glinkin couldn't score in the middle.
    A penalty again, this time Kosmachev is out for 2 minutes. Double advantage for Traktor.
    Kondratiev bombed from the middle, near the blue line, Sudnitsin deflected.
    Kondratiev shot again, this time from the left side, the goalie won the battle again.
    Chistov had a solo on the left, fired the puck, Sudnitsin took it with his gloves. Faceoff.
    Full strength for visitors, they escaped this hard situation.
    Abdullin's shot from the left wing position was too wide.
    Again a penalty for Nizhnekamsk. 2 minutes power play for home team. Netik has to sit down for 2 minutes.
    Kontiola fired in the middle part of the zone, Sudnitsin guided his net with his leg.
    Both Kostitsyn and Kontiola had a trial, Sudnitsin blocked these shots too.
    Khlystov is out for 2 minutes from Traktor. This time Neftekhimik can attack in power play.
    Popov wanted to get away on the left, Berezin pulled him back, 2 minutes penalty for the visitors.
    Romanov shot after a kontra attack from the left side, Garnett saved easily with his body.
    Kokuyov shot from the left side, Zavarukhin didn't reach it, and it was wide too.
    White bombed from the left wing position, Sudnitsin has won the battle again and in the mean time Neftekhimik was already in full strength.
    Goal for Traktor!
    Anton GLINKIN has taken the lead for Traktor Chelyabinsk! He got a pass from Kostitsyn in the middle, pulled the puck ahead of the goalkeeper and bombed it into the net from the right side! 1-0!
    Attacks of Neftekhimik are mostly filtered already before they reach the zone.
    This time Romanov had a shot from the left, Garnett deflected it with his stick.
    Ryabykin had a late shot from the right side in a big chance, Sudnitsin blocked it with his body. What an opportunity!
    1st period finished.
    Chelyabinsk is dominating the match so far, Nizhnekamsk can attack only a few times, Traktor could have scored more goals, but one of them succeeded.
    Visitors would have to pay more attention not to be penalised so many times. After the 1st period, 1-0!
    Stay with us!
    Start of 2nd period.
    Kostitsyn passed to Kondratiev, he fired from the middle part of the zone, Sudnitsin saved with skills.
    Trunev (Trunyov) is penalised for 2 minutes from Neftekhimik. His second penalty.
    Kondratiev bombed from the left side, it was a goal scoring chance, Sudnitsin deflected it brilliantly!
    Chistov wanted to slide around the net, but a defender tackled him before passing back.
    Again a penalty for visitors, Shulakov is out for 2 minutes. Nizhnekamsk only rarely playing in full strength today.
    Glinkin had a getaway on the left side, passed back to Mokin who bombed immediately, Sudnitsin guided his net in this very dangerous chance!
    Kontiola was tackled right before being able to fire.
    After losing the puck, Netik has taken it and shot from the right side, Garnett could save it with skills.
    Zavarukhin had a distant shot from the right side, Sudnitsin blocked it easily.
    Glinkin and Rybin had a little row after the penalty of Abdullin. He is out for 2 minutes from Traktor. Power play for HC NN.
    Kontiola finished a kontra attack on the right side despite being under a penalty, his shot was deflected by Sudnitsin.
    Sexton fired from the left side, Garnett proved his skills with defending his goal.
    Abdullin is back after the shot of Trunyov. And half a minute later Taratukhin had a huge chance, penalty shot is coming due to a foul.
    Goal for Neftekhimik!
    KOUKAL scored a goal with this penalty shot, pulled the puck in front of Garnett and bombed it in from the right.
    Goal for Neftekhimik!
    Another goal by Neftekhimik, Traktor is shocked completely! After a quick attack, and an extremely distant shot, KOUKAL bombed the puck into the goal! He was the player, who did the previous shot too and he grabbed his own puck.
    2 minute penalty for Neftekhimik. Traktor can play in power play. Rybin is penalised.
    Vasilchenko is trying a shot in the middle, Sudnitsin deflected it again.
    Zavarukhin had a distant shot, Sudnitsin saved, then Koukal fired on the other side, Garnett was also on his place.
    Midfield play is on now, the 2 quick goals can easily be felt on Traktor.
    Abdullin had a chance, got a pass from Kostitsyn on the right, but his shot was saved.
    Goal for Neftekhimik!
    After a kontra attack, RYBIN has got the puck from Trunev, bombed it to the right from the right side, Garnett was unable to do anything. 1-3! Unbelievable!
    Zavarukhin is penalised for 2 minutes from Traktor.
    Mamashev had a big chance to score again in power play formation on the right side, Garnett saved his shot.
    2nd period finished.
    Unbelievable chance in the run of the game, Neftekhimik Nizhnekamsk completely turned and changed the game with this 0-3 period. They built a 2-goal lead despite starting with a one goal adrift.
    The match is not decided yet, stay with us for the rest of the game!
    Start of 3rd period.
    Bulis missed a huge chance in the middle, Sudnitsin saved brilliantly.
    2 minute penalty for Kosmachyov. Power play for Traktor.
    This penalty was ticking away without any kind of serious chance.
    Penalty shot is coming, Kokuyov was bulldozed away in a goal scoring position.
    Kokuyov missed the penalty shot, he tried it from the right side.
    Berezin fired the puck away. Traktor is putting pressure on NN.
    Goal for Traktor!
    After the faceoff, KOSTITSYN immediately bombed the puck into the net from the mid-left position. 2-3!
    Goal for Traktor!
    Chistov passed across towards the mid part from the right side and KOKUYOV fired the puck into the net. Traktor equalized in style after their nightmare in the second period!
    Mamashev shot from the left side, Garnett blocked it. After the goals, Traktor keep on putting pressure on Nizhnekamsk. Katichev had a big chance from the right side, but his shot was deflected by a defender's stick.
    Chelyabinsk is deperate to score another goals to take the win. However Netik had a nice shot on the other side.
    Goal for Neftekhimik!
    It happened! RYBIN has taken the lead for Neftekhimik Nizhnekamsk once again after a superb shot from the right wing position from a very hard and sharp angle!
    What a missed chance! Kontiola had a superb opportunity on the right side after the shot of Kostitsyn, powered on and fired the puck, Sudnitsin blocked it. Superb period so far!
    Glinkin had another chance from the left side, his imminent shot was deflected too by the goalie.
    Sexton had a tricky shot from the left side, close to the goalkeeper, but Garnett paid attention on it.
    Goal for Neftekhimik!
    After a nice kontra attack, RYBIN had a solo in the middle, fired the puck despite two defenders disturbed him, and the puck flew right into the net! 3-5, it's gonna be really difficult for Traktor to score two goals again.
    Traktor is putting pressure on NN, but the time is less and less which is left for them.
    After Kostitsyn's pass, Bulin had a quick shot in the middle, Sudnitsin deflected it.
    2 minute penalty for Neftekhimik Nizhnekamsk, Pavel Zdunov has to be in the penalty box.
    Rybin has taken the puck behind the opponent's goal, slid around the net, wanted to put it inside the goal, but Garnett was able to save it with skills.
    Bulis had a huge bomb from the left side, Sudnitsin saved with his gloves.
    Popov's shot was too wide, there is only a little time for Traktor now.
    Chelyabinsk was not able to deal with this power play, the match looks to be decided.
    Chistov had a nice solo in the middle, his powershot was blocked by Sudnitsin.
    Game over.
    This match has been very good, the third period was the best one!
    We could see 8 goals during this match, Traktor woke up and stood up from that 2-goal adrift, but finally Neftekhimik was able to score another two ones to win this great game today! They score a well deserved 3 points today at Traktor's home! The final results:
    Thanks for attention!
    ---- (14:12:28)

    Kármán Zoltán

    Goals and assists: 17. Glinkin (Kostitsyn, Bondarev), 45. Kostitsyn (Kontiola), 46. Kokuyov (Chistov) – 32. Koukal (p.s.), 33. Koukal, 39. Rybin (Trunev), 51. Rybin (Berezin, Polygalov), 54. Rybin

    Traktor Chelyabinsk: Garnett, Danilishin – Borodkin, Popov, Ryabykin, White, Glinkin, Zavarukhin, Chistov, Katichev, Kontiola, Vasilchenko, Bulis, Khlystov, Kokuyov, Kostitsyn, Bondarev, Kondratiev, Osnovin, Abdullin, Mokin, Valeyev
    HC Neftekhimik Nizhnekamsk: Dalton, Sudnitsin -Berezin, Kurbatov, Kosmachev, Khokhryakov, Kulikov, Mnikhovich, Rybin, Koukal, Taratukhin, Trunev, Polygalov, Mamashev, Shulakov, Netik, Belousov, Romanov, Zdunov, Sexton, S. Alshevsky