HC Yugra – Avangard 2:1 (end) | Avtomobilist – Barys 6:2 (end) | Torpedo – HC Slovan 2:3 (end)
Ak Bars – Lev 2:3 (2:3 after SO) | Dynamo – Riga 2:4 (end)
Torpedo Nizhny Novgorod
2:3 (0:1, 2:2, 0:0)
HC Slovan Bratislava
Friday 24.01.2014, 16:00 • Trade Union Sports Palace (Nizhny Novgorod) • KHL
    After 5 minutes of video watching, the referees got the news, the last attack was clearly not a goal, only goal post, so Slovan has taken the 3 points finally. They really deserved this win, Torpedo was not in form today.
    Slovan had more very dangerous chances. Slovan's opportunity to reach the playoff is still alive with this win!
    The final results Torpedo – Slovan 2-3!
    Thanks for attention!
    ---- (18:23:51)
    Game over.
    Wolski shot but too wide, then Skachkov fired again, it was too high and out of bounds.
    Kasutin is out 6 against 4.
    Timeout for Torpedo. It's really a great chance to equalize, they can do a 6 against 4 if Kasutin would be replaced by a field player.
    Valentenko had a big chance near the goal, Janus saved. In the mean time, Sigalet is penalised for 2 minutes.
    Miklik had a solo, but didn't shoot in the end, slid around the net and held the puck for a minute.
    Krasnolobodtsev missed the chance of this period! He had a solo in the middle, shot with backhand in the middle, Janus saved superbly!
    Khomitsky has done a last second block against Bartovic, before he could have entered the zone with a solo.
    Both teams in full strength. Janus had to save the shot of Kulemin from the left side, it was quite a big chance!
    Offside by Radivojevic.
    Ölvecky is back, full strength for the visitors.
    Thverkdohlebov is sitting on the penalty box because of the serious penalty of Galuzin.
    2+10 minute penalty for Galuzin. After he was penalised he had a row with the referee. This match looks to be ended for Galuzin. Power play for Slovan.
    Janus blocked the shot of Wolski and grabbed the puck before he could have been repeated the shot.
    Torpedo in power play formation.
    Ölvecky is out for 2 minutes from Slovan.
    Galuzin shot from the right wing position, Janus deflected it.
    This time, Janus had to save after the shot of Bernackij.
    Kasutin guided his net again, Sigalet had an attempt from the left side, his shot was not strong.
    Mikus got a pass again on the left, his pass across was too long, Satan didn't reach it.
    Juraj Mikus had a getaway on the left by a kontra attack. Kasutin saved his big shot from a sharp angle!
    Torpedo has a slight advantage in the field but lack of serious shots.
    Midfield play is common, Slovan is defending his 1 goal advantage.
    Start of 3rd period.
    After the boredom of the first period, the second one was exciting. Slovan doubled the advantage at the beginning, Torpedo was able to equlize quickly. But Slovan has brought the advantage again.
    After 40 minutes of play, Torpedo – Slovan 2-3!
    The match is not decided yet, stay with us for the last period!
    2nd period finished.
    Sigalet and Kukumberg played well during an attack, Kasutin saved it again.
    Wolski passed to Hietanen, he shot in the middle, Janus saved with his stick.
    Wolski bombed in the middle, Janus blocked it!
    After a fall off, Miklik has taken the puck, had a solo without disturb, he shot in the middle, Kasutin showed a superb save!
    Hudacek is penalised for 2 minutes from Slovan.
    Lyuduchin bombed the puck, it hit the goal post, but it was not inside finally. This period is much better than the previous one! Almost an equalizer again.
    Goal for Slovan!
    HUDACEK and Radivojevic had a superb play in front of the net, it happened in the power play, 1 second before ending. 2-3!
    Mihalik had a backhand attempt in the middle, Kasutin's superb save guided the net!
    2 minute penalty for Torpedo. Bernackij is out.
    Quite a quick equalizing after the 2 goal adrift.
    Goal for Torpedo!
    Krasnolobodtsev passed across to SKACHKOV, he bombed the puck in the net from the left side very close to the goal. 2-2!
    Hietainen passed to Krasnolobodtsev, he fired from the right, from sharp angle, Janus saved.
    Bartovic is out for 2 minutes from Slovan. Another power play for Torpedo.
    Janus saved in safe after a not exact pass towards the goal.
    Goal for Torpedo!
    Janus couldn't save the bomb of WOLSKI from the right wing position!
    Another penalty for Slovan. Big chance for Torpedo, because Sigalet also out for 2 minutes. More than half a minute 5 against 3 for Torpedo.
    Ölvecky is out for 2 minutes due to a penalty. Power play for Torpedo.
    Goal for Slovan!
    Brejcak had a getaway on the right, passed across, BARTOVIC has taken the puck and bombed in from the left side! 0-2!
    Wolsky wanted to shoot from the left side, Mojzis blocked it with his stick.
    Mihalik shot in the middle (while being in power play), Kasutin deflected the shot.
    2 minute penalty for Krasnolobodtsev. No more power play for Torpedo.
    Skachkov had an attempt from the right wing position, Janus guided his net!
    Start of 2nd period.
    Shots in the first period: 2-7!
    The last minutes were dominated by Slovan despite most of the period was dominated by home team.
    Torpedo was not able to score before.
    The match is wide open but teams have to spin up the speed for the rest of the match.
    Stay with us after the break!
    1st period finished.
    2 minute penalty from Slovan Bratislava. Mario Bliznak is penalised.
    Ölvecky got the puck, did a solo but Kasutin saved once again.
    Kulemin is back, Torpedo escaped this penalty.
    Sigalet shot from the left side, then Mihalik wanted to repeat, but Kasutin saved both times!
    Kulemin (Kulyomin) is out for 2 minutes from Torpedo. Power play for Slovan.
    Goal for Slovan!
    MICHEL MIKLIK got a dream pass from Ölvecky to the left side, and he bombed the first goal into the net! 0-1!
    Torpedo possess the puck more than Slovan, but the serious shots are missing in these minutes.
    Wolski shot from the left side, a defender's stick hijacked the puck.
    This period is quite slow and dull, teams focus on defence, instead of attacking. Now the second commercial break is on.
    Lyuduchin's solo was denied by a defender and Janus finally freed his goal.
    Nizhny Novgorod wants to put a slight pressure on Bratislava now, but none of the shots reached the goal, every time a defender blocked.
    After Hudacek's bomb, the puck bounced on Kukumberg's stick, Kasutin had to save with skills!
    Skachkov had a getaway again in the middle, but the pass was a little bit long, Janus saved in safe.
    Miklik wanted to grab the puck behind the opponent goal, but the defenders shot is out in the last second. The teams don't take so much risk.
    Torpedo is spectacularly more active so far, but the Slovan-defence is great enough. Now commercial break is on.
    Kulemin wanted to do a superb pass from behind the goal, but a defender paid attention to it and stole.
    Juraj Mikus got a pass a little bit too late, offside on the left side.
    Defence of Slovan is great, there was no chance to shoot while being under penalty. Now full strength again.
    Bartovic fired from the left side, Kasutin saved.
    Zharkov had a nice solo, but Mihalik is out for 2 minutes due to hooking, he fouled Zharkov while shooting.
    Pass of Zharkov was not exact ahead.
    Skachkov had a close attempt from the middle, Janus guided his net with his head!
    Hudacek fired from the right side near a defender, Kasutin blocked the shot.
    Kasutin is defending the net of Torpedo, Janus is in front of team Slovan.
    Game started.
    The Slovan and the Russian national anthem is on now. The game is starting soon!
    Starting lineups:

    Torpedo Nizhny Novgorod: Demidov, Kasutin – Grigoriev, Valentenko, Wolski, Galuzin, Hietanen, Badyukov, Zharkov, Salminen, Potapov, Khomitsky, Immonen, Denisov, Dvurechensky, Bernatsky, Krasnolobodtsev, Tverdokhlebov, Belokhvostikov, Skachkov, Lyuduchin, Kulemin

    HC Slovan Bratislava: Janus, Kopriva – Stajnoch, Luza, Sigalet, Mojzis, Mikus T., Kukumberg, Satan, Miklik, Skoula, Bliznak, Mihalik, Stastny, Bartovic, Dano, Mikus J., Bakos, Ölvecky, Hudacek, Brejcak, Radivojevic

    Referees: Soin, Tsyplakov.
    Welcome. Game starts at 16:00.

    Kármán Zoltán

    Goals and assists: 28. Wolski (Valentenko, Salminen), 31. Skachkov (Krasnolobodtsev, Valentenko) – 18. Miklik (Ölvecky), 25. Bartovic (Brejcak), 35. Hudacek (Radivojevic, Satan)

    Torpedo Nizhny Novgorod: Demidov, Kasutin – Grigoriev, Valentenko, Wolski, Galuzin, Hietanen, Badyukov, Zharkov, Salminen, Potapov, Khomitsky, Immonen, Denisov, Dvurechensky, Bernatsky, Krasnolobodtsev, Tverdokhlebov, Belokhvostikov, Skachkov, Lyuduchin, Kulemin
    HC Slovan Bratislava: Janus, Kopriva – Stajnoch, Luza, Sigalet, Mojzis, Mikus T., Kukumberg, Satan, Miklik, Skoula, Bliznak, Mihalik, Stastny, Bartovic, Dano, Mikus J., Bakos, Ölvecky, Hudacek, Brejcak, Radivojevic

    Referees: Soin, Tsyplakov