Kärpät – Köln 3:2 (after SO) | Pardubice – Linköping 3:6 (end) | Lukko – Nottingham 6:2 (end)
Salzburg – JYP 4:0 (end) | Kloten – HV71 0:5 (end) | Bolzano – TPS 4:2 (end)
Djurgården – Eisbären 3:2 (end) | Luleå – Hamburg 6:0 (end)
Dynamo Pardubice
3:6 (1:4, 2:0, 0:2)
Linköping HC
Friday 05.09.2014, 17:30 • ČEZ ARÉNA Pardubice • Champions League
    Goal for Linköping!
    Mattias SJOGREN scored the goal by fast shot to the pole. Halasz did not manage to react.
    Goal for Linköping!
    Linköping scored during the powerplay. Chad KOLARIK touched the shot of Magnus Johansson. Assist: Magnus Johansson and Jacob Micflikier.
    Goal for Pardubice!
    Tomas ZOHORNA scored a goal, during the powerplay, from the top of the right circle to the top corner of net. Amazing wrist shot. Assisted by: Ales Pisa.
    Goal for Pardubice!
    Pardubice decreases the score. Lukas RADIL didn't miss the open net, between circles, after nice pass from the corner of the rink. Assisted by: Vaclav Benak and Tomas Zohorna.
    Goal for Linköping!
    Spectacular fast combination through the defending zone of Pardubice. Jeff TAFFE received a gift in a form of pass to the open net. Assisted by: Linus Hultstrom.
    Goal for Linköping!
    Fast three goals in last two minutes! After the fast change of the puck before the net, Jonas Almtorp scored the goal past the Kristan. Assisted by: Nichlas Hardt, Broc Little.
    Goal for Linköping!
    Broc LITTLE touched the pass of Jakub Vrana and Linköping is leading. Assist: Jakub Vrana.
    Goal for Linköping!
    Linköping tied up the game. After the shot of Little, Sebastian KARLSSON didn't miss the open net. Assist: Broc Little.
    Goal for Pardubice!
    Tomas MARCINKO scored first leading goal to the open net after the nice pass. Assisted by: Petr Sykora.

    Ondřej Mládek

    Goals and assists: 3. Marcinko (Sykora), 25. Radil (Benak, Zohorna), 28. Zohorna (Pisa) – 10. S. Karlsson (Little), 11. Little (Vrana), 12. Almtorp (Hardt, Little), 14. Taffe (Hultstrom), 47. Kolarik (Johansson, Micflikier), 52. Sjogren (p.s.)

    Dynamo Pardubice: Kristan (21. Halasz) – Caslava, Pisa, Havlik, Benak, Koci, Gregorc, Korim, Skvor – Nahodil, Zohorna, Sykora – Poulicek, Marcinko, Radil – Kaut, Spacek, Kolar – Semorad, Cetkovsky, Moucka.
    Head Coach: Zdenek Venera

    Linköping HC: Rautio (Hogberg) – Johansson, Dahlstrom, Junland, Rahimi, Hultstrom, A. Karlsson, Norden, Forsling – Vrana, Sjogren, Little – Kolarik, Taffe, Micflikier – Sundh, Almtorp, Hardt – McDonell, S. Karlsson, Andersson.
    Head Coach: Roger Melin

    Referees: D. Massy (SUI), V. Sindler (CZE) – M. Lhotský (CZE), J. Svoboda (CZE)

    Attendance: 1526