Khabarovsk – Salavat Yulaev 0:2 (end)
Amur Khabarovsk
0:2 (0:0, 0:1, 0:1)
Salavat Yulaev Ufa
Sunday 14.09.2014, 08:00 • Platinum Arena • KHL
    The final buzzer has now sounded, and Salavat Yulaev Ufa have defeated Amur Khabarovsk 2:0 in very confident fashion! After going ahead the away side never really looked like conceding, and Amur simply didn't have the cutting edge to cause their opponents problems. Denis Tolpeko opened up the scoring in the second stanza, before Alexey Glukhov made the points safe in the third. Thanks for following the game with us, and join us again soon for more enthralling KHL action! (10:21:56)
    Game over.
    It is now the final couple of seconds with Salavat Yulaev heading for a well deserved 2:0 victory away from home!
    And Amur have now taken a timeout and pulled Sergey Borisov in favour of the extra skater despite time almost being up!
    Before the game is out Salavat's Ivan Lekomtsev has received one last penalty for interference
    The hosts are now back at full strength but they have virtually no time left to give Salavat any nerves!
    Salavat are simply knocking the puck about taking the sting out of the game, they know that they don't need to do anything more!
    What an untimely penalty for Amur to give away, as Jesse Niinimaki has been found guilty of slashing. That might just kill the game as a contest!
    Kirill Safronov pulling between the circles lets a testing wrister rip, but the goaltender flashes leather brilliantly to hold! He has been fantastic for Salavat so far today!
    Out muscling everyone down the left wing Mikhail Zheleznov sprints on to the slot, holds the puck with the backhand but he can't find room to squeeze away a shot!
    Heikkinen! Bursting into the attacking zone Ilkka Heikkinen goes for a monstrous blast, but it's directly down Sergey Borisov's thoat!
    Salavat are back at full strength but Amur's pressure is getting more incessant, the visiting goalkeeper is having to make some really heroic saves at times to keep his shutout going!
    Tarasov! Played in with a splayed dish across the face Dmitry Tarasov lurking by the right post has almost half an empty net to aim at, but he makes poor contact with the goal gaping!
    Taimi! With bodies blocking the goaltender's view Tommi Taimi slaps in from the blue line, but Vladimir Sokhatskiy still manages to field it solidly!
    Salavat's Ivan Lekomtsev for checking has been sent to the penalty box, giving Amur a very timely powerplay opportunity to try and give the Platinum Arena something to cheer about!
    Vladimir Sokhatskiy with attackers swarming in sniffing away for any juicy rebounds covers a dump from deep into his crease to kill the danger
    Both sides are back at full strength as the pace is becoming more frantic, the home fans don't want their team to give up easily!
    An almighty scrum erupts on Vladimir Sokhatskiy's crease as the puck is swung all the way around by the right hand post, but it hangs in the air and it eventually swiped clear! Amur have to start taking advantage of such chances!
    Zubarev! Wristing with some power just off the left faceoff circle Andrey Zubarev forces Sergey Borisov into a very hand glove save!
    Sergey Teryaev for holding is the next to be sent to the penalty box for Amur, but at the same time Salavat's Alexander Pankov has been penalised for diving

    Shaun Nicolaides

    Goals and assists: 38. Tolpeko (Makarov, Hartikainen), 43. Glukhov (Heikkinen, Slepyshev)

    Amur Khabarovsk: Borisov (Bolshakov)- Safronov, Taimi, Yunkov, Spirko, Tarasov- Peretyagin, Ezhov, Niinmaki, Miklik, Hascak- Kurbatov, Teryaev, Fisenko, Lugin, Katsuba- Dekalo, Tereschenko, Bashkirov, Litovchenko, Zheleznov
    Salavat Yulaev Ufa: Sokhatskiy (Koval)- Bodrov, Kutuzov, Tolpeko, Makarov, Hartikainen- Vishnevskiy, Heikkinen, Skorokhodov, Pankov, Syomin- Zubarev, Koltsov, Pihlstrom, Kaygorodov, Skachkov- Lekomtsev, Stepanov, Glukhov, Slepyshev

    Referees: Yakov Deev, Alexey Ravodin, Andrey Matyusha, Evgeniy Petrov