Luleå – Lukko 4:3 (2:1 after SO) | Eisbären – Zürich 3:6 (end) | Kuopio – Třinec 4:3 (2:1 after SO)
JYP – Sheffield 3:0 (end) | Zug – Tappara 0:7 (end) | Pardubice – Davos 2:3 (end)
HV71 – Salzburg 4:1 (end) | Düsseldorf – Linz 6:3 (end) | Vienna – Kärpät 0:2 (end)
Ingolstadt – Braehead 5:2 (end) | Genève – Sparta 4:3 (after OT)
ERC Ingolstadt
5:2 (0:1, 2:0, 3:1)
Braehead Clan Glasgow
Saturday 22.08.2015, 19:30 • Saturn Arena • Champions League • Group 15
    Welcome. Game starts at 19:30.
    The ERC Ingolstadt, vice-champion of Germany, starts his Champions Hockey League season against the Braehead Clan of Glasgow. First puck drops at 19:30 in the Saturn Arena.

    Ingolstadt's new coach Manny Viveiros, successor of Larry Huras, expects a hard piece of work: "Braehead has got a few players with NHL-experience and they are physically strong. I think it will be a very physical game."

    Braehead conceded a 10-2 defeat against Swedish champion Växjö in the opening game. Now they want to show, that they can do it much better.
    So Ingolstadt has to be concentrated and avoid it to underestimate the Clan, who competes with two former Ingolstadt players in their team. Brandon Brooks and Matt Keith already played for the bavarian club.

    Before the game starts, the supporters of Ingolstadt and Braehead Clan will celebrate a party together and are looking forward to a exciting match.
    Starting lineups:

    ERC Ingolstadt: Eisenhut (Henne) – Kronthaler, Köppchen, Schopper, Friesen, Kohl, McNeill, Wagner, Schütz – Taticek, Buck, Laliberte – Lebler, Ross, Schmidpeter – Kubalik, A. Barta, Greilinger – Elsner, B. Barta, Th. Pielmeier

    Braehead Clan Glasgow: Holt (Russell) – Fritsch, Aarssen, Jackman, Gotz, Sullivan – Bruton, Leavitt, Pitt – Meyer, Keith, Brooks – Nesbitt, Davies, Esders – Harper, Cownie, McKenzie

    Referees: Warschaw (AUT), Rohatsch – Gossmann, Kohlmüller (All GER).
    A very warm welcome from Saturn Arena in Ingolstadt, where the ERC Ingolstadt hosts the Braehead Clan of Glasgow tonight.
    The warm up is over and both teams are back in their locker rooms to prepare for the first faceoff.
    After the big 10-2 defeat in Växjö on thursday the Braehead Can wants to show, that they can compete on CHL-level.
    For Ingolstadt it is the start into the new CHL season. The bavarian club participates for the second time and is a founding member of the Champions Hockey League.
    Goalie Timo Pielmeier of ERC Ingolstadt is out tonight becaue of an injury, so backup goalie Marc Eisenhut will be the starting goalie. Martin Davidek and Danny Irmen are also unable to play.
    The Braehead Clan is with 200 supporters here in Ingolstadt and the atmosphere is great already.
    Now the starting-six of both teams get presented. So the first puck will drop in a few moments.
    Game started.
    First faceoff is won by Ingolstadt, but Braehead has the first shot on goal, which goes wide.
    Icing by Braehead Clan. Faceoff in their zone.
    Offside Ingolstadt.
    First shot on goal by Ingolstad. Defender Schopper with a wrist shot from the blue line, but no problem for goalie Holt, who saves the puck.
    Icing Ingolstadt. Faceoff goes back into their own zone.
    No many interruptions in this game so far. But we are still waiting for the first great scoring chance.
    Icing Ingolstadt
    Shot from Braehead's Fritsch goes wide and right after it, Alex Leavitt with the great chance to score, but his shot goes inches over the cross-bar.
    Game will continue with faceoff in the zone of Ingolstadt.
    Next good shot by Braehead, but this one goes wide also.
    B. Barta with a wrist shot, but Holt covers it without any problems. Faceoff in Braehead's zone.
    Penalty to Ingolstadt. Thomas Pielmeier, 2:00 for interference.
    John Laliberte with the breakaway during the penalty-kill, but Holt stops the shot with his pad.
    Ingolstadt at full strength.
    Game continues with faceoff in Ingolstadt's zone.
    Penalty to Ingolstadt Brandon Buck, 2:00 for holding the stick.
    Buck tries to cover the puck in the offensive zone, but holds his opponents stick.
    Goal for Braehead!
    The Braehead Clan scores in Powerplay. MATT KEITH deflects the shot of Jackman. No chance for Eisenhut to stop it. Assisted by: Ric Jackmann, Alex Leavitt.
    Matt KEITH - 0:1
    Schmidpeter with a shot but not very dangerous. Ingolstadt seems to be surprised, how strong the Clan is playing so far.
    Ingolstadt with two shots on goal, but these were not dangerous, too.
    Faceoff in Braehead's zone.
    Puck is on the Bench of Braehead, faceoff in their zone.
    Chris Holt with a good pad save and then he covers the puck
    Last minute of the first period.
    Offside by Braehead. Faceoff in the neutral zone.
    Once again an offside call. This time it was Ingolstadt.
    1st period finished.
    Second period will start at 20:22 CET, 21:22 EET.
    The Braehead Clan is in the lead after the first period. The former Ingolstadt player Matt Keith deflected a shot from the blue line by Ric Jackman, so the result after twenty minutes is 1-0 for Braehead. Especially because of the last ten minutes of the period the lead is deservedly.
    Shots on goal in first period: Ingolstadt 9, Braehead 8
    Start of 2nd period.
    Faceoff in Braehead's zone.
    Icing by Ingolstadt. Faceoff in their own zone.
    A shot by Thomas Greilinger is deflected over the glass. faceoff in Braeheads zone.
    Bis mistake by Fritsch in his own zone, but Thomas Greilinger was not able to use this. Chris Holt stops his shot with his pad and he covers it.
    Faceoff in the neutral zone. Pcuk is over the glass.
    3-on-2 attack by Ingolstadt, Thomas Pielmeier with a slap shot from the right faceoff circle but Holt with a glove save.
    Penalty to Braehead. Stefan Meyer, 2:00 for interference.
    So Ingolstadt gets the first powerplay tonight
    McNeill with a slap shot from the blue line. Holt saves it.
    Goal for Ingolstadt!
    Holt wasn't able to stop McNeill's slap shot from the blue line and PETR TATICEK scores the rebound. Assisted by: Patrick McNeill, Thomas Greilinger.
    Penalty to Braehead. Jamie Fritsch, 2:00 for slashing.
    Great scoring chance for Thomas Greilinger in the slot, Holt deflected it wide.
    Braehead at full strength.
    Ingolstadt with two scoring chances after slap shots from the blue line, but this time the rebounds went inches wide.
    Puck is over the glass. faceoff in Braehead's zone.
    Brandon Buck with a wrist shot from the left faceoff circle, pad save by Holt.
    Another shot by Laliberte from the right circle is covered by Holt.
    Great scoring chance for Brendan Brooks from the right side, but Eisenhut with a good glove save.
    Penalty to Ingolstadt

    A. BARTA, 2:00 for holding. A very unneccessary penalty. Barta holds the defender behing Braeheads net.
    Jackman with a slap shot from the right faceoff circle, Eisenhut saves it. Faceoff in Ingolstadt's zone.
    2-on-1 breakaway of Ingolstadt bur Ross misses the pass of laliberte.
    Breakaway by Leavitt, but Schopper was able to disturb him in the last moment. Good defensive work.
    Thomas Pielmeier and David Elsner with two slap shots, Holt can save them.
    Laliberte with a great scoring chance from the slot, but his wrist shot is deflected in the very last moment.
    The goal gave Ingolstadt some power. They are very close to the second goal.
    Game will continue with faceoff in Braehead's zone.
    Eisenhut saves a slap shot from the blue line.
    Penalty to Braehead

    SCOTT PITT, 2:00 for slashing and
    ALEX LEAVITT, 2:00 for slashing
    Goal for Ingolstadt!
    PETR TATICEK scores in a 5-on-3 powerplay and gives Ingolstadt the lead. Greilinger with the pass through the slot and Taticek has no problem to score. Assisted by Thomas Greilinger and Patrick McNeill.
    Petr TATÍČEK - 2:1
    Braehead at full strength.
    Second period is over.
    Ingolstadt turned the game around. Petr Taticek scored two goals and sends his team with a 2-1 lead into the locker room. Ingolstadt used the 5-on-3 powerplay situation in the last two minutes of the second period. We are excited, how the Braehead Clan will react now.

    Shots on goal: Ingolstadt 13 (22), Braehead 4 (12)

    Game will continue at 21:18 CET, 22:18 EET.
    2nd period finished.
    Start of 3rd period.
    Pitt with a wrist shot from left faceoff circle, glove save by Eisenhut.
    Great scoring chance for Braehead from the slot twice, Eisenhut with a pad save and he also clears the rebound.
    Penalty to Ingolstadt

    STEPHAN KRONTHALER, 2:00 for tripping.
    Gotz with the tip-in chance form the slot, but the puck goes wide.
    60 seconds left in Braehead's powerplay.
    Buck with a 1-on-1 situation, his backhander misses the net. That was extremely close.
    Ingolstadt at full strength.
    Goal for Braehead!
    CHRIS BRUTON scores from the left faceoff circle by a wrist shot. The puck finds his way through the legs of goalie Marco Eisenhut.
    Penalty to Braehead. Stefan Meyer, 2:00 for tripping.
    Lebler's wrist shot from the right side goes wide. Still 60 seconds in powerplay.
    Goal for Ingolstadt!
    What a lucky goal! THOMAS GREILINGER scores the 3-2. His wrist shot is deflected by the skate of a Braehead player right into the net. No chance for goalie Holt. Assisted by Patrick McNeill and Brandon Buck
    Thomas GREILINGER - 3:2
    Buck tries it with a backhander. Holt covers it.
    Penalty to Braehead. Stefan Meyer, 2:00 for tripping. Meyer gets the same penalty like a few minutes ago. High danger now in Braeheads zone, Ingolstadt scored all goals in powerplay.
    Penalty to Ingolstadt. Thomas Greilinger, 2:00 for tripping. Game continues with 4-on-4.
    Friesen's backhander from the right side hits the post.
    Braehead at full strength. 34 seconds powerplay for Braehead now.
    Ingolstadt at full strength.
    Thomas Greilinger with the big chance to score the 4-2 right after coming from the penalty box, but Holt saves the puck.
    Goal for Ingolstadt!
    What a goal by JOHN LALIBERTE. He takes the one-timer from the left faceoff circle and scores. Assisted by Petr Taticek and Benedikt Kohl.
    Ross with a wrist shot and Laliberte with the rebound, Holt saves twice.
    Penalty to Braehead. Alex Leavitt, 2:00 for slashing.
    Buck's wrist shot from the right faceoff circle goes wide a few inches. McNeill's slap shot from the blue line is saved by Holt.
    Penalty to Braehead. Ric Jackman, 2:00 for slashing. 64 seconds 5-on3 powerplay for Ingolstadt now.
    Goal for Ingolstadt!
    That's the decision! THOMAS GREILINGER just has to push the puck across the goal line, after Taticek's big chance to score, Holt stops his shot, but Greilinger scores the rebound. Assisted by: Petr Taticek.
    Penalty to Braehead. Chris Bruton, 2:00 for roughing.
    Braehead at full strength.
    Last seconds of the game.
    Ingolstadt wins 5-2 against Braehead Clan and starts with a victory into the CHL season. Four of their five goals were scored in powerplay. With two goals and two assists Petr Taticek was the deciding guy tonight.
    Game over.
    All in all it is an deservedly win for Ingolstadt. They played much better in second and third period. They can travel with a good feeling to Växjö, to battle for the next win in the CHL group stage. (22:00:27)

    Stefan Ried

    Goals and assists: 27. Taticek (McNeill, Greilinger), 39. Taticek (Greilinger, McNeill), 48. Greilinger (McNeill, Buck), 53. Laliberte (Kohl, Taticek), 58. Greilinger (Taticek) – 15. Keith (Jackman, Leavitt), 46. Bruton

    ERC Ingolstadt: Eisenhut (Henne) – Kronthaler, Köppchen, Schopper, Friesen, Kohl, McNeill, Wagner, Schütz – Taticek, Buck, Laliberte – Lebler, Ross, Schmidpeter – Kubalik, A. Barta, Greilinger – Elsner, B. Barta, Th. Pielmeier
    Braehead Clan Glasgow: Holt (Russell) – Fritsch, Aarssen, Jackman, Gotz, Sullivan – Bruton, Leavitt, Pitt – Meyer, Keith, Brooks – Nesbitt, Davies, Esders – Harper, Cownie, McKenzie

    Referees: Warschaw (AUT), Rohatsch – Gossmann, Kohlmüller (All GER)

    Attendance: 2509