CHL gameday liveblog 19.8. (end)
event end
CHL gameday liveblog 19.8.

Friday 19.08.2016, 13:00Champions Hockey League gameday liveblog
    So that is your lot tonight – the stand out result being Berlin's 2-1 win over Lulea!

    Esbjerg 3-8 Zug
    Berlin 2-1 Lulea
    Wolfsburg 1-2 Frolunda
    Cracovia 1-4 Farjestadt
    Davos 4-1 Rouen
    Gap 1-4 JYP

    Goodnight! (22:18:16)
    A great effort by Wolfsburg, but they go down 2-1 to Frolunda. In Poland, Cracovia have lost 5-1 to Farjestadt.
    Just over two minutes after equalising, Frolunda now lead Wolfsburg through Victor OLOFSSON. Just around 10 minutes left there.
    That's your lot in Denmark, Zug win 8-3... comprehensive to say the least!

    Meanwhile in Wolfsburg, Frolunda have tied it at one a piece.
    How things stand

    Esbjerg 3-7 Zug (Period 3)
    Berlin 1-1 Lulea (End 2)
    Wolfsburg 1-0 Frolunda (End 2)
    Cracovia 1-4 Farjestadt (End 2)
    Davos 3-1 Rouen (Period 2)
    Gap 0-4 JYP (End 2)
    NINE goals now in Esbjerg, as the home side pull it back to 3-6 with just over 11 minutes to play.
    33:37 played in Davos and the home side are back ahead – Dario SIMION with the goal, after Rouen had tied the game in the opening session.
    Daine TODD has tied things for Lulea at just before the 36 minute mark, one each then in Berlin.
    Now this is interesting – both SHL teams are losing in Germany! Berlin have just taken the lead over Lulea, 31:17 down and Micki DUPONT nets for the DEL side.
    Two very quick goals for JYP at the beginning of period two in Gap and they lead 3-0: 2 Jusso PULLI and Mikko KALTEVA scoring just over two minutes apart and with just over 22 played the Finnish team are comfortably ahead.
    It's slipping away from Cracovia now, Per ASLUND has another with just under 25 minutes played and Farjestad lead 3-1.
    Up in Poland, Farjestad are back in the lead very early in the middle session – 20:58 played when Per ASLUND re-establishes the visitors' lead.
    Cracking atmosphere in Wolfsburg, and especially so now – less than 3 minutes played n period two and the home side are leading Frolunda!
    Now then, Rouen have equalised in Davos! Just under four minutes to play in the opening period, and Patrick COULOMBE has tied it!
    How things stand

    Esbjerg 1-6 Zug (Period 2)
    Berlin 0-0 Lulea (End 1)
    Wolfsburg 0-0 Frolunda (End 1)
    Cracovia 1-1 Farjestadt (End 1)
    Davos 1-0 Rouen (End 1)
    Gap 0-1 JYP (Period 1)
    A third PP goal for Zug puts them 4-1 ahead of Esbjerg, before Jarkko IMMONEN pops up just over a minute later to make it 5 at 28:37. LONG way back for the hosts from here.
    10:04 played in Davos have the home side head 1-0 through Marc WIESER. That goal going in on the PP with Olivier DAME-MALKA given a 5+Game penalty for Interference.
    Not a lot of goals about so far tonight – but in Denmark Zug have got another and now lead Esbjerg 3-1.
    Cracovia are level! Patryk OWORYTA scores at 9:41!
    Over in Cracovia, while the fans look great their team are finding it tough again, down 1-0 already to Farjestad.

    Meanwhile in Denmark, Esbjerg are back in it at 1-2!
    More games underway...

    Berlin vs. Lulea
    Wolfsburg vs. Frolunda
    Cracovia vs. Farjestadt
    Davos vs. Rouen
    Gap vs. JYP
    Despite a decent start, Esbjerg have been undone by penalties and find themselves trailing Zug by two with 8:04 remaining in period one.
    So we're underway with game one of the day in Esbjerg, with the Energy taking on Zug.
    Welcome. Event starts at 13:00.

    Luke Fisher