Ingolstadt – Zürich 1:4 (end) | Stavanger – HC Pilsen 0:3 (end) | Kuopio – Skellefteå 1:2 (end)
Krefeld – Vitkovice 2:0 (end) | Košice – Linz 2:3 (end) | Salzburg – Sheffield 8:1 (end)
Fribourg – Munich 3:0 (end)
ERC Ingolstadt
1:4 (0:0, 1:3, 0:1)
ZSC Lions
Saturday 20.08.2016, 16:30 • Saturn Arena • Champions League • Group D
    Welcome. Game starts at 16:30.
    Starting lineups:

    ERC Ingolstadt: Pielmeier Timo (Eisenhut) – Salcido, Koppchen, McNeill, Schopper, Wagner, Friesen, Schutz – Boyce, Buchweiser, Irmen – Oppenheimer, Buck, Laliberte – Taticek, Pohl, Greilinger – Keifersauer, Buco, Pielmeier Thomas.

    ZSC Lions Zurich: Flueler (Schlegel) – Blindenbacher, Guerra, Geering, Karrer, Seger, Marti, Hachler – Nilsson, Shannon, Wick – Cunti, Thoresen, Prassl – Sjogren, Schappi, Pestoni – Trachsler, Baltisberger, Herzog, Bartschi.

    Referees: Stolc (AUT), Haupt – Flad, Gossmann (All GER).
    Both teams are doing their warm-up . First puck drops in 30 minutes.
    Marc Schmidpeter, Benedikt Kohl an David Elsner aren't dressed for Ingolstadt.
    Alexander Braun, Phil Baltisberger, Pius Suter, Mike Kuenzle, Raphael Prassl, Dominik Diem, Jerome Bachofner and Marco Miranda aren't dresses for ZSC Lions.

    Nevertheless both teams are able to compete with four lines.
    Teams are coming onto the ice right now.
    200 supporters of ZSC Lions made the four-hour trip from Zurich to Ingolstadt. Great atmosphere in the arena before the game starts.
    Game started.
    First faceoff won by Ingolstadt. But now Icing Ingolstadt
    ZSC Lions with the better start. Ingolstadt is under pressure in their own zone.
    Shot by Christian Marti is deflected over the glass
    Huge scoring chance for Ingolstadt. Kiefersauer alone in front of the goalie, But the puck goes wide.
    Icing Ingolstadt.
    Zurich loses the puck in their own zone, but Patrick McNeill's shot is stopped by Flueler.
    Penalty for ZSC Lions Zurich (Herzog – 2 min., tripping).
    Offside Ingolstadt.
    John Laliberte's backhand shot finds the way into the net. But an forward was standing in the forbidden zone in front of the goal. So, no goal for Ingolstadt.
    Visiting team at full strength.
    Zurich comes with speed into the attacking zone again and again. But the final pass is missing so far.
    Lukas Flueler saves a soft shot by Brian Salcido. No danger for ZSC Lions in this situation.
    Offside Ingolstadt. Powerbreak in the arena.
    Faceoff won by Zurich's Ryan Shannon
    Marti with a wrap-around, but not successfull.
    Big scoring chance for Luca Cunti, but Timo Pielmeier with a glove save.
    Nice hit by Roger Karrer. Zurich is the better team now and iseems to be close to the first goal.
    Penalty for ERC Ingolstadt (Buchweiser – 2 min., tripping).
    One minute in powerplay remaining. A shot by Blindenbacher but not dangerous enough to bring Pielmeier into trouble.
    Ingolstadt at full strength.
    Thomas Greilinger with a nice move, his first shot goes wide. The second one, a few seconds later, is stopped by Lukas Flueler.
    Chance for Patrick Thoresen, but his shot didn't find the way into the net. Pielmeier was lying on the ice already, but the puck was stopped by his pad.
    Patrick Geering with the next shot. Deflected over the glass by Pielmeier.
    1st period finished.
    A very speedy game here in Ingolstadt. Zurich is the better, more dangerous team so far. They had some huge scoring chances, but their efficiency is not good enough.

    Ingolstadt was dangerous in powerplay and with a few counter attacks.
    An exciting second period will start at 17:20 CET, 18:20 EET.
    Teams are back on the ice. Ready for the second period.
    Start of 2nd period.
    Faceoff won by Ingolstadt.
    Bad pass by Ingolstadt, but Cunti's shot is deflecte over the glass.
    Petr Taticek missed the pass by Petr Pohl in the slot.
    Zurich spends a lot of time in the attacking zone in the first minutes, but doesn't get good shooting positions
    Counter attack by Ingolstadt. Flueler stops the shot, the rebound goes wide.
    Cedric Hachler shots from the blue line. Timo Pielmeier saves the puck.
    Penalty for ZSC Lions Zurich (Sjogren – 2 min., holding).
    A lot of traffic in front of Zurich's net. But McNeill's shot goes wide.
    Goal for ERC Ingolstadt!
    Goalie Timo Pielmeier surprises Zurich with a long pass to Petr Pohl, he has the one-on-one situation with Lukas Flueler. Shot stopped by the goalie, but PETR TATICEK scores the rebound. Powerplay goal. Assisted by: Timo Pielmeier and Petr Pohl
    Penalty for ERC Ingolstadt (Taticek – 2 min., slashing).
    One minute remaining in this powerplay. Zurich tries to find a quick answer.
    Wrist shot by Sjogren goes wide and out of this Martin Buchwieser gets a good chance on the other side. But his shot is stopped by Flueler
    Ingolstadt at full strength.
    Brandon Buck, 2:00 for tripping. Again an unneccessary penalty. The foul happened deep in the opponents zone. 5-on-4 powerplay Zurich.
    Goal for Zurich!
    Powerplay goal by Zurich and the game is even.
    Quick pass into the slot by Robert Nilsson and ROMAN WICK scores in the close corner. Assisted by: Robert Nilsson
    30:21 Roman WICK - 1:1
    Next shot by Zurich, but without any traffic, Timo Pielmeier has no problem to save this shot.
    Powerbreak coming up now.
    Maybe the second goal for Zurich now. But the refs want to check the video at first.
    Goal for Zurich!
    The guests are in the lead now. The cold shower for the Panthers.
    MORRIS TRACHSLER scores with a wrist shot. Assisted by: Roger Karrer
    32:05 Moris TRACHSLER - 1:2
    Icing Ingolstadt.

    Zurich is pushing now. Ingolstadt with problems, to get out of their own zone.
    Icing Ingolstadt again.
    Not many interruptions in this game.
    Zurich wants the 3:1 before the second break. Backhand shot goes wide. That was close.
    Offside Zurich. Bur the Lions are pushing now. The puck is in Ingolstadt's zone most of the time.
    Penalty for ERC Ingolstadt (Friesen – 2 min., hooking).
    Penalty for ERC Ingolstadt (Irmen – 2 min. + 10 min. misconduct penalty, checking from behind).
    Goal for Zurich!
    There it is. 3:1 for Zurich in 5-on-3-powerplay. A few good passes and SEVERIN BLINDENBACHER scores with a shot from the middle. No chance for Pielmeier. Assisted by: Roman Wick and Robert Nilsson
    38:16 Severin BLINDENBACHER - 1:3
    Shorthanded chance for Brandon Buck, but his wrist shot goes wide. Zurich still in 5-on-4 powerplay.
    A hard shot from the blue line is blocked by Martin Buchwieser. that hurts, but was important for his team. Shot would have been dangerous for the Panther's net.
    2nd period finished.
    We had four goals in this period. Zurich is heading to the locker room with a 3:1-lead. This is well deserved. They're playing with a lot of confidence, especially after their first goal. Ingolstadt was under huge presure in the last ten minute of this period and had pig problems to get out of their own zone and controll the puck in their few offensive situations.
    The goal for Ingolstadt was typical for their game, it was scored after a counter attack.

    Third period will start at 18:20 CET, 19:20 EET.
    Teams are back on the ice. Zurich will start with four seconds remaining in powerplay.
    Start of 3rd period.
    Ingolstadt at full strength.
    Amazing pass through the attacking zone by Petr Taticek, but the shot by Dustin Friesen is too weak. That was a good chance to get back in the game.
    Icing Zurich.
    Good forecheck by Buchwieser, but his pass doesn't find Oppenheimer, who was waiting in the slot.
    Shot by Zurich is deflected over the glass.
    Hard shot by Severin Blindenbacher, bur Pielmeier saves the puck with his glove.
    Penalty for ZSC Lions Zurich (Baltisberger – 2 min. + 10 min. misconduct penalty, checking from behind).
    Sjogren clears the puck. Ingolstadt has to start from their own zone. One minute remaining in powerplay.
    Zurich at full strength.
    Good chance for Zurich on a two-on-one attack. The forward dives for the puck and brings it to the net, but Pielmeier stops it.
    Today's attendance is 2355.
    Game continues with faceoff in Ingolstadt's zone.
    Penalty for ZSC Lions Zurich (Kenins – 2 min., tripping).
    That must be the 2:3. Darryl Boyce wants to tip in the puck, but misses the open net.
    Penalty for ERC Ingolstadt (Pohl – 2 min., too many men).
    19 seconds 4-on-4-hockey and then Zurich will have a 69 seconds powerplay
    Zurich at full strength. 4-on-5 powerplay now
    What a chance for Patrick Thoresen! He gets the pass at the long corner, but Pielmeier with a pad save.
    Ingolstadt at full strength.
    Powerbreak in Ingolstadt. Game will continue with faceoff in Ingolstadt's zone.
    Ingolstadt with a good combination in the attacking zone, but the shot is too weak. No danger for Lukas Flueler
    Goal for Zurich!
    That's the decision! Two good passes, PATRICK GEERING is in a perfect shooting position and scores. Assisted by: Roman Wick and Robert Nilsson
    There is another good scoring chance for Fabio wagner, but his deflected puck goes wide.
    On the other side, Zurich hits the post with a shot from the left faceoff circle.
    Last minute to play.
    Nothing to happen here anymore.
    Game over.
    Zurich wins the second game against Ingolstadt also. A well deserved 4:1 win in an away game. Ingolstadt hab the lead in the middle of the second period, but then Zurich came up with some powerplay goals and decided the game.
    The Lions played with more pressure, better puck handling and their passing game was much better than the Panther's.

    So Zurich steps up to the next round and Ingolstadt is under pressure now against Lukko rauma, if they don't want to end this CHL season early. (18:59:29)

    Stefan Ried

    Goals and assists: 26. Taticek (Pohl, Pielmeier) – 31. Wick (Nilsson), 33. Trachsler (Karrer), 39. Blindenbacher (Wick, Nilsson), 56. Geering (Wick, Nilsson)

    ERC Ingolstadt: Pielmeier Timo (Eisenhut) – Salcido, Koppchen, McNeill, Schopper, Wagner, Friesen, Schutz – Boyce, Buchweiser, Irmen – Oppenheimer, Buck, Laliberte – Taticek, Pohl, Greilinger – Keifersauer, Buco, Pielmeier Thomas.
    ZSC Lions: Flueler (Schlegel) – Blindenbacher, Guerra, Geering, Karrer, Seger, Marti, Hachler – Nilsson, Shannon, Wick – Cunti, Thoresen, Prassl – Sjogren, Schappi, Pestoni – Trachsler, Baltisberger, Herzog, Bartschi.

    Referees: Stolc (AUT), Haupt – Flad, Gossmann (All GER)

    Attendance: 2355