Fribourg – Znojmo 5:2 (end)
5:2 (2:0, 0:1, 3:1)
HC LERAM Orli Znojmo
Thursday 01.09.2016, 19:45 • BCF Arena • Champions League • Group F
    But now, Schmutz gets called for tripping. Maybe a chance for Znojmo to make it look a little better on the score sheet?
    Chavaillaz gets called for hooking – the chance for Orli Znojmo?
    The next penalty is against Fribourg: Abplanalp gets called for cross-checking.
    First attack by Fribourg and there is some panic in front of Nechvatal, in the end Reznicek gets called for interference.
    Cervenka tries to steal it from a czech defender, but this was to much... The CTS from Fribourg gets called for hooking.
    Pouliot is turning around the net of Znojmo and then gets fouled by Spacek. The czech player gets called for slashing.
    A mistake in the offense zone and Znojmo can start a conter-attack... or better could, Rathgeb stopps the czech player and gets called for tripping!
    First penalty in this game: Seda is called for hooking!

    Alain Hauert

    Goals and assists: 8. Neuenschwander (Bykov, Schilt), 15. Neukom (Rathgeb, Ritola), 41. Cervenka (Schilt, Rathgeb), 48. Pouliot (Mottet, Gustafsson), 48. Neuenschwander (Mottet) – 31. Sulak (Kalus), 47. Cip (Hughesman, Seda)

    Fribourg-Gottéron: Conz (Saikkonen) – Stalder, Leeger, Schilt, Rathgeb, Picard, Abplanalp, Chavaillaz, Gustafsson – Sprunger, Cervenka, Ritola – Mauldin, Pouliot, Neukom – Mottet, Bykov, Neuenschwander – Rivera, Schmutz, Loichat
    HC LERAM Orli Znojmo: Nechvatal (Schwarz) – Sulak, Lakos, McMonagle, Reznicek, Stehlik, Lattner, Biro, Csamango – Vodny, Pucher, Kalus – Cip, Bruijsten, Hughesman – Beroun, Seda, Novak – Spacek, Bartos, Gyori

    Referees: Bauer (GER), Stricker – Kaderli, Borga (All SUI)

    Attendance: 2919