France2 – Austria 3:1 (end) | Belarus – Slovenia2 4:3 (end) | Germany2 – Russia 1:4 (end)
Switzerland – Canada2 3:2 (after SO) | Latvia – USA 1:4 (end) | Norway – Denmark 3:2 (end)
4:3 (1:1, 1:0, 2:2)
Sunday 05.05.2013, 12:15 • Hall Globen, Stockholm • World Championship
    Goal for Team Belarus!
    And again, the same song from the beginning of this period. Belarusian players found a quick answer and get to the lead back. ALEXEI UGAROV won his personal fight with Tavzelj, who couldn´t stop him, and aimed well under the cover. Assisted by Kaznadei, Kovyrshin)
    Goal for Team Slovenia!
    28 seconds left from Kaznadei penalty but Belarusian players will not kill this penalty. Jeglic rounded the net, passed back to MITJA ROBAR who scored! Assisted Jeglic, Ticar.
    Goal for Team Belarus!
    And it is enough! Andrei Stas did a great job, when he skated from the corner to the right circle and dangerously fired. Kristan only deflected the puck and ANDREI FILICHKIN was vigorous enough to get for a rebound! Assisted by Stas.
    Goal for Team Slovenia!
    Belarusian players pay for their sleepy start to this period. David Rodman won the puck behind the net and passed it in front of the net. There it was found by MARCEL RODMAN, who sent an easy shot to Belinski , but Graborenko tipped the puck into own net! Assisted by D. Rodman.
    Goal for Team Belarus!
    But he don´t have to regret it for long. A great pass from behind the net found a stick by ALEXANDER KITAROV who fired precise to the right post of Kristan´s net from the place between circles. Assisted by Dmitri Meleshko.
    Goal for Team Belarus!
    Everything from nothing. ILYA KAZNADEI got a pass to the left circle and fired. The shot was so precise, that it found a way through skates of one of the Slovenes players and also between Kristan´s pads. Assisted by Kitarov, Kulakov.
    Goal for Team Slovenia!
    A great combination from the whole line! Kopitar saw Pajic who had a better speed, passed to him and he wanted to shot. But the puck slipped down from his stick, and Pajic had to made a deke to forehand. There he passed to TOMAZ RAZINGAR and he had only a open net to strike. Assisted by Pajic, Kopitar.

    Lucie Mužíková

    Goals and assists: 18. Kaznadei (Kitarov, Kulakov), 30. Kitarov (Meleshko), 44. Filichkin (Stas), 56. Ugarov (Kaznadei, Kovyrshin) – 14. Razingar (Pajic, Kopitar), 42. Rodman M. (D.), 55. Robar (Jeglic, Ticar)

    Belarus: Belinski (Milchakov) – Chernaok, Kaznadei, Graborenko, Filichkin, Shinkevich, Goroshko, Maslenikov – Kulakov, Meleshko, Kitarov – Stefanovich, Koltsov (C), Kovyrshin – Ugarov, Yefimenko, Stas – Andryushenko, Solomonov, Demkov – Kisly. The coach: Andrey Skabelka.
    Slovenia2: Kristan (Hocevar) – Gregorc, Robar, Kranjc, Kovacevic, Tavzelj, Pavlin, Pretnar – Jeglič, Ticar, Sabolic – D. Rodman, M. Rodman, Urbas – Razingar (C), G. Kopitar, Pajic – Music, Pance, Golicic – Basic. The coach: Matjaz Kopitar.

    Referees: Brueggemann (GER), Bulanov (RUS) – Dehaen (FRA), Valach (SVK)