Avangard – Spartak 4:1 (end) | Barys – Medvescak 1:3 (end) | Avtomobilist – Dinamo Minsk 2:0 (end)
Traktor – Salavat Yulaev 5:3 (end) | Neftekhimik – Metallurg M 3:5 (end)
Traktor Chelyabinsk
5:3 (1:1, 1:2, 3:0)
Salavat Yulaev Ufa
Thursday 16.01.2014, 14:00 • Traktor Arena (Chelyabinsk) • KHL
    Welcome. Game starts at 14:00.
    Starting lineups:

    Traktor Chelyabinsk: Garnett, Danilishin – Borodkin, Popov, Ryabykin, White, Glinkin, Zavarukhin, Chistov, Katichev, Kontiola, Vasilchenko, Bulis, Khlystov, Panov, Kokuyov, Kostitsyn, Bondarev, Kondratiev, Osnovin, Mokin, Valeyev

    Salavat Yulaev Ufa: Volkov, Vasilevski – Zubarev, Koltsov, Ankudinov, Vishnevskiy, Mirnov, Makarov, Shchitov, Mereskin, Isangulov, Filatov, Khlystov, Babchuk, Pihlström, Kulda, Dubrovsky, Tolpeko, Kaigorodov, Slepyshev, Zaborsky, Gurkin

    Referees: Karabanov, Kulakov.
    The crowd is singing the Russian national anthem at this moment. The game is starting soon.
    Game started.
    Traktor Chelyabinsk is playing in black, Salavat Yulaev Ufa in white.
    There is a superb atmosphere in the hall at this moment, we hope for the great play too.
    Kaigorodov had a shot in the middle, Garnett saved it easily. The first opportunity today.
    Garnett's superb save after the huge bomb of Makarov from the right wing position!
    Mokin stopped near the blue line and had an unexpected shot from the right side, Vasilevski guided his net.
    Zubarev wanted to have a solo, sliding around the home net, but a defender tackled him, chance out.
    Osnovin had a bomb, a pure shot from the left side, the puck bounced on a stick, Vasilevski saved with his body.
    Commercial break after an offside.
    Goal for Traktor!
    Popov entered the opponent zone on the right, passed to the left, clearly to MOKIN, he shot the puck into the net. 1-0 for Traktor!
    Dangerous shot by Ankudinov from the right side near the blue line, Garnett saved again.
    Ufa with 6 field players, because a penalty is coming.
    2 minute penalty for Igor Valeyev from Traktor. Power play for Salavat Yulaev.
    Garnett was clever enough to save the tricky trial by Zubarev, sliding around his net and wanted to put the puck into the goal on the other side.
    Glinkin had a lonely solo in the middle and finally was able to fire in the zone, Vasilevski guided his net.
    Commercial break is on, teams have a rest.
    Traktor Chelyabinsk escaped the previous situation quite easily, only one chance for opponent.
    Ufa is clearly more active in this period, but the contra-attacks of Traktor are really dangerous.
    Pass towards Kontiola was too long, Ufa has taken it. Now Traktor in attack again.
    Jan Bulis missed the puck in front of the opponent's goal, chance missed.
    Goal for Salavat Yulaev!
    After a quick kontra-attack, FILATOV got a pass to the left side and bombed it on the right side of the goal. 1-1!
    Midfield play is on in the last minute, no shots.
    Igor Mirnov missed a huge chance in the middle after Pihlström's attempt!
    Kulda had a very distant shot, Garnett saved it and held the puck near Tolpeko.
    Kokuyov had a one in one but a defender came from the right side and blocked halfly his shot, Vasilevski saved it.
    Chistov had a nice chance, Zubarev held him up with his body but no reward.
    1st period finished.
    Traktor has taken the lead at first, later Ufa has scored the equalizer. Both teams have several great opportunities and shots, this match is interesting and exciting.
    Stay with us after the break too!
    Start of 2nd period.
    The first attack was by Traktor but Babchuk filtered that attempt.
    Ryabykin defended his goalkeeper, blocked a shot far away from the goalie.
    No serious chance in this period yet.
    Kontiola slid across the goal, wanted to put the puck backhand in the middle, Vasilevski saved it.
    The pass towards Kontiola was too long, faceoff is coming.
    Mokin and Glinkin both had a chance to push the puck inside the visitors' net, but Vasilevski closed the angle with skills.
    Goal for Salavat Yulaev!
    After a turmoil in the middle, Kaigorodov passed to KOLTSOV, he neared the goal and bombed the puck right into it. 1-2! Ufa changed the game.
    Fight behind the goal of Traktor. Isangulov is one of them, Vasilchenko is the other one, Kondratyev began the fight according to the replay.
    Commercial break, but Vasilchenko was sent off for 2 minutes due to roughing. Power play for Salavat Yulaev.
    No power play, Isangulov is also penalised for 2 minutes. 4 against 4.
    Ufa remained in attack.
    Goal for Salavat Yulaev!
    Another goal for Ufa, MIRNOV had a long solo on the right side, fired near the blue line and scored! 1-3! The crowd became much more silent.
    Faceoff is coming after a too long pass. The match has changed upside down, after Traktor led 1-0, now 3 consecutive goals for Ufa and a 2-goal advantage.
    Bulis missed the puck near the opponent goal, he shot above the puck, it could easily have been a chance.
    Zaborsky got a pass from the left, had a superb chance in the middle, right in front of the goal, but Garnett was able to deflect it. It was a great opportunity to score.
    Goal for Traktor!
    Chelyabinsk got their hopes alive again. After a huge error by Vasilevski, he lost the puck behind his own goal, ZAVARUKHIN has taken it and immediately put the puck in the net! 2-3!
    2 minute penalty for Ufa. Commercial break is on. Ankudinov has to sit for 2 minutes, power play for Traktor.
    Pihlström nearly got the puck in front of the goal of Garnett, but the goalie was able to push the puck ahead with his special stick.
    Traktor cannot form on power play formation!
    They let it too easily, Chelyabinsk had no real chance to score in this power play and now full strength.
    Two Traktor players knocked each other accidentally after a gliding attack.
    Makaroc had two different chances in the right hand side, Garnett deflected both of them.
    Koltsov's solo seemed very well from the left side, Mirnov missed the chance, Garnett was quicker and put his hands on the puck.
    Mokin slid to the right, had a slight shot from a hard angle, Vasilevski saved it and got the puck.
    Another boxing is on, Ankudinov and Katichev behind Traktor-net.
    Both Katichev and Ankudinov is penalised for 2 minutes due to roughing. 4 against 4.
    Popov had a pure shot from the left side, Vasilevski guided his net with a superb save!
    Igor Mirnov also got a 2 minute penalty from Ufa.
    2nd period finished.
    As I could see, the two boxing sportsmen was sent off to the penalty box, but someone can replace them, because the situation is 5 against 4 now for Traktor.
    Ufa has taken a 2-goal lead, but a goalie error brought the hope back for Chelyabinsk, so nothing has been decided yet, stay with us!
    Start of 3rd period.
    Don't forget, there is a penalty still on for Ufa.
    Kostitsyn has fired the one and only shot during this power play, Vasilevski saved easily.
    Full strength for visitors already, it was quite easy.
    Zavarukhin had a shot from the middle, Vasilevski deflected it.
    This time, Mereskin fired on the other side, Garnett was on his place.
    Kostitsyn and Valeyev fired from the left then from the middle, Vasilevski had a dream-save with his left leg.
    Traktor focusing on attacks mainly, they are now putting pressure on Salavat Yulaev.
    Both Glinkin and Popov had chance to fire, but a defender blocked it both times. Now a penalty in sight.
    Arturs Kulda is penalised for 2 minutes from Salavat Yulaev. Power play for Chelyabinsk.
    Ryabykin shot from the middle, Vasilevski grabbed the puck with his hands.
    Goal for Traktor!
    In power play, Traktor dealed with this chance, after a dream pass from the left side, Andrei KOSTITSYN got the puck on the right side and bombed into the goal! 3-3! Interesting match! Assist by: Kontiola.
    Commercial break is on, the match is totally open.
    Osnovin had a chance to fire, but he hit the puck only on a strange way, it was no problem for Vasilevski.
    After a solo from his own zone, Glinkin decided to fire in the middle near the blue line, the bomb was a bit too wide.
    Alert in front of the home goal, but Vishnevskiy's shot was blocked by a defender ahead.
    Kostitsyn fired again in the middle, Vasilevski blocked it with his stick. Now Ufa cannot hold the puck for a long time.
    Goal for Traktor!
    What a match! After 1-3, now Traktor is leading by 4-3! Mokin passed to POPOV, he bombed the puck into the net from the left side! The match is changed again.
    Traktor remained in attacking mood, shot by Osnovin was deflected by the goalkeeper.
    Glinkin missed a chance, he shot too wide.
    Garnett saved the fired puck of Koltsov in the middle. Ufa is starting to wake up.
    Garnett saved after a very close shot of Mereskin from the left side. Garnett didn't let any angle to score.
    Zaborsky had a very dangerous shot from the right side, Garnett was able to deflect it with his body. Now pressure is really on Traktor. Can they hang on?
    Chistov has done a dream pass to Glinkin, he had a shot from the right, from a sharp angle, final destination is Vasilevski.
    4 minutes left, Traktor wants to keep the puck now to kill time with it.
    Kontiola lost puck behind opponent goal quite easily, but Traktor has retaken it in the midfield.
    Popov could have decided this match with his shot from the middle, right in front of the goalkeeper, but Vasilevski deflected it with his legs.
    Filatov fired, Garnett saved, then Makarov repeated, Garnett blocked it again.
    Final minute, we can expect the substitution of Vasilevski soon.
    Goal for Traktor!
    ZAVARUKHIN has taken the puck and sent it into the empty goal! 5-3, the victory is ready now for Chelyabinsk.
    Game over.
    This match was more than great! It was full of excitement and superb moments. Traktor has taken an early lead then Ufa changed the game completely with a 0-3 and had a 3-1 lead.
    After this shock of the home fans, Chelyabinsk has brought a 4-0 finally and won the match despite Salavat Yulaev had better chance before the game. Traktor really deserved these 3 points, not to give up and fight. It paid off for them! The final results: 5-3!
    Thanks for attention!
    ---- (16:15:33)

    Kármán Zoltán

    Goals and assists: 8. Mokin (Popov), 33. Zavarukhin, 47. Kostitsyn (Kontiola, Kondratiev), 52. Popov (Mokin, Glinkin), 60. Zavarukhin – 16. Filatov (Tolpeko, Makarov), 27. Koltsov (Kaigorodov), 30. Mirnov (Babchuk, Vasilevski)

    Traktor Chelyabinsk: Garnett, Danilishin – Borodkin, Popov, Ryabykin, White, Glinkin, Zavarukhin, Chistov, Katichev, Kontiola, Vasilchenko, Bulis, Khlystov, Panov, Kokuyov, Kostitsyn, Bondarev, Kondratiev, Osnovin, Mokin, Valeyev
    Salavat Yulaev Ufa: Volkov, Vasilevski – Zubarev, Koltsov, Ankudinov, Vishnevskiy, Mirnov, Makarov, Shchitov, Mereskin, Isangulov, Filatov, Khlystov, Babchuk, Pihlström, Kulda, Dubrovsky, Tolpeko, Kaigorodov, Slepyshev, Zaborsky, Gurkin

    Referees: Karabanov, Kulakov