Traktor – Dynamo 3:5 (end) | Metallurg M – Vityaz 0:2 (end) | Salavat Yulaev – Torpedo 2:1 (after OT)
Ak Bars – Neftekhimik 7:3 (end) | Lokomotiv – Avtomobilist 5:3 (end) | Cherepovets – HC Yugra 4:1 (end)
Mytishchi – Barys 5:1 (end) | SKA St. Petersburg – Avangard 4:5 (after OT) | CSKA – Spartak 2:1 (end)
Riga – Medvescak 5:1 (end) | HC Slovan – Dinamo Minsk 4:3 (1:0 after SO) | Lev – Donbass 4:1 (end)
Dinamo Riga
5:1 (0:1, 2:0, 3:0)
Medvescak Zagreb
Wednesday 26.02.2014, 19:00 • Arena Riga (Riga) • KHL
    Welcome. Game starts at 19:00.
    The match is going to start at 19:00!
    Starting lineups:

    Dinamo Riga: Tellqvist, Sedlacek – Begovs, Ozolins, K. Redlihs, Sotnieks, Skvorcovs, J. Redlihs, Nizivijs, Dzerins, Robinson, Szczechura, Cipulis, Bukarts, Hascak, Pujacs, Hossa, Darzins, Upitis, Bicevskis

    Medvescak Zagreb: Dekanich, Brust – O'Connor, Klubertanz, Popovic, Linglet, Thomas, Nyström, Svarny, Glumac, Murray, Cheechoo, Vesce, Ryan, Murley, Kane, Letang, Iggulden, Foster, Bjorkstrand, Ellison, Katic

    Referees: Belov, Gusev.
    We could hear the Latvian and Croatian national anthem, the game is starting very soon.
    Game started.
    Dinamo Riga is playing in red, Medvescak Zagreb in white.
    Hascak missed a huge chance already! He got the puck on the left side, close to the net, but he was too slow and Brust was able to save!
    Goal for Medvescak Zagreb!
    Charles LINGLET got the puck in the middle part, had a solo on the left, pulled to the middle and shot into the net between Tellqvist's legs! 0-1!
    Zagreb was trying on the left, but a defender stuck the attack. With a counter Hascak was dangerous again, but Brust won the battle again.
    2 minute penalty for Sandis Ozolins. Power play for Medvescak!
    Again a big chance, Linglet fired once again in the middle, Klubertanz only slightly missed the opportunity to repeat.
    Zagreb is putting pressure on Riga in these minutes.
    Almost all the attacks were led by visitors so far. (only 2 exceptions)
    Huge chance missed by Riga now. Dzerins shot in the middle, Brust was able to deflect it!
    Don't forget, that Latvia was successful in the olympic games last week, reached the quarter finals and Riga has got many players from the national team.
    Safety save by Brust when a bouncing puck was closing to him in the middle. Commercial break is on now. 0-1 is the standings at this moment after 9 minutes of play.
    The match is good enough so far, both teams have had chances to score.
    Brust has made a mistake by his goal, hit above the puck, but a defender was there to help immediately.
    In the last few minutes we had lack of shots after the good start.
    Robinson is very worthy for Dinamo, collecting lots of pucks in the first 13 minutes.
    A mid strength shot by Medvescak, Tellqvist blocked it, commercial break is on now.
    Puck possession is higher by Medvescak.
    Ryan shot in the middle, Nyström was not able to repeat it, Tellqvist held it in his hands.
    Pass is too long towards Hossa. Faceoff by the Latvian team.
    Brust had to close the angle by a shot from the right side. Bicevskis was the player who fired.
    Szczechura shot from the left side, Brust needed a great save to escape!
    Picture of the game has not changed – Zagreb is more active, has had much more attacks.
    J. Redlihs had an attempt in the middle, Brust hit it away, faceoff is coming by Medvescak.
    Teams are not taking too much risk by the attacks unfortunately, there could be more dangerous shots.
    We're into the last minute of the first period.
    Thomas was waiting for the pass, but a defender stole the puck in the last moment.
    1st period finished.
    Zagreb has taken the lead in the first period by a goal. Both teams had the chance to score so the game is far from being decided. Now 0-1, stay with us after the break!
    Shots on goal 4-9 for Medvescak in the first period. The second one is starting soon.
    Start of 2nd period.
    Cheechoo fired from the left side from a very sharp angle, Tellqvist saved with his stick superbly!
    Bukarts threw the puck, faceoff outside the zone.
    Unfortunately there has been only a single big shot in this period.
    Glumac shot in a big chance from the right side, the puck bounced slightly on an opponent's skate, and flew a few centimeters wide. What a chance and luck on the other side!
    Riga missed a huge opportunity! Brust saved the close shot of Hascak in the middle!
    Huge chance again for Riga! Begovs shot a strong one in the middle, Brust deflected it once again!
    2 minute penalty for Darzins. Power play for Zagreb is coming after the commercial break.
    Thomas passed to Cheechoo on the left, he fired from a difficult angle, Tellqvist blocked it and finally a defender relieved.
    Riga escaped this penalty. Full strength.
    Another penalty by Riga. Hascak has to sit down for 2 minutes. Again a power play for Medvescak.
    Foster shot from the left hand side, a defender denied the shot with his stick.
    Goal for Dinamo Riga!
    What a goal by Marcel HOSSA! Riga was one man down, counter attack on the right side, he shot from a very sharp angle, the puck found its way between the legs of Brust! 1-1!
    Interesting, that Hascak is coming back only now from the penalty box!
    Zagreb had the chance to double the advantage several times and now it's a draw.
    Medvescak is trying to spin up the speed even more now. Murray in attack but lost the puck.
    2 minute penalty for Thomas from Zagreb. Riga in power play after the commercial break.
    Hascak put his stick in the way of a Riga-shot on the left side, the puck hit the goal post! It was beyond Brust already!
    Full strength for Medvescak, they escaped this time period.
    Brust's goal has been moved away due to a contact, restoring is going on now.
    Goal for Dinamo Riga!
    After a faceoff on the right side, Roberts BUKARTS got the puck and he fired immediately, and scored with this strong bomb! 2-1 already for Dinamo Riga!
    Linglet bombed the puck in the middle, Tellqvist deflected it! Zagreb have to risk a bit to change the match back for themselves.
    Shot by Sotnieks was blocked by a defender. It was a dangerous one again.
    Kane had a sudden chance in the middle, after a pass from the back of the goal, but a defender obstructed him to shoot, freed the zone.
    Offside by Zagreb.
    2nd period finished.
    Riga has done what they wanted and planned, changed the game and took the lead by 2-1 after losing the first period. Zagreb was not as active as in the first period, but they could easily have scored 2 or 3 goals. Finally Riga scored 2, so it's 2-1 now, 20 minutes remaining.
    Stay with us after the break!
    Start of 3rd period.
    Question of the 3rd period: can Zagreb retake to lead or finally Riga grab this win.
    Brust showed a superb save after the hug shot by Cipulis on the left!
    Both goalkeepers show good form today.
    Tellqvist at work! Cheechoo shot from the right hand side, the goalie won the battle.
    Murley had an attempt from the right side, close to the goal, Tellqvist closed the angle.
    Zagreb looks to be more offensive now, a bit of risk they show but it can be a good chance for Riga for the counters.
    Upitis fell on the ice near a defender, the crowd was booing to demonstrate it was (?) a penalty. Darzins finally had a shot on the right side, Brust saved it. Commercial break is on now.
    Big chance missed by Zagreb after a turmoil and on the other side there was a controversial situation, the Medvescak goal has been moved by a huge chance of Riga.
    Goal for Dinamo Riga!
    Is it decided? Superb and clever pass by Szczechura from the left to the right, HASCAK got it and passed the puck into the halfly empty net. 3-1 for Dinamo Riga!
    Dangerous shot by Linglet, it was a little bit wide on the left!
    Midfield play is on now, no chances in the last 1,5 minutes.
    Murray had a clean chance to shoot from the right side, not far away, Tellqvist blocked it!
    2 minute penalty for Darzins. Power play for Medvescak comes.
    Zagreb in power play formation, big opportunity for them to score.
    No shot in the first minute of penalty.
    Linglet fired again, Tellqvist won the battle this time too.
    Darzins shot a huge one from the left, it was some centimeters wide!
    2 minute penalty for Klubertanz. Power play for Riga. They could decide the game, if scoring.
    Only Zagreb had a counter but failed to score, Medvescak is doing defence superbly now.
    Goal for Dinamo Riga!
    Right after I mentioned, Riga finally decided the game! Darzins passed back to OZOLINS, he fired from the middle into the left side of the goal! What a match!
    Time out by Zagreb.
    The match looks to be decided with this important goal.
    Cipulis got a too long pass to the left, despite they attacked 3 against 1!
    2 minute penalty for Dzerins. Power play for Medvescak is coming now.
    We're into the last 5 minutes.
    Thomas had a shot from the middle, Tellqvist showed his talent with a superb save!
    Already empty net by Zagreb!
    Ellison shot in the middle, the goalkeeper blocked it again.
    Offside by Cheechoo. Ozolins showed good defence now.
    Counter attack for Zagreb after a nice puck-stealing by Klubertanz.
    Again 6 field players by Zagreb, but the shot of Ryan was saved by Tellqvist, it was a distant shot.
    Goal for Dinamo Riga!
    Zagreb is trying all the way, but DARZINS scored the 5th Riga goal from the right side into the empty net! 5-1 for Dinamo Riga!
    Huge chance by Riga in the last minute too. Hossa shot in the middle, Brust saved it. After this, Hascak and a Zagreb player were boxing near the bounds. I think it's going to be a penalty.
    Hascak is out for 2 minutes and Katic got the same penalty.
    4 against four, Zagreb wanted to shoot, but defenders tackled.
    Game over.
    Who thought this after 20 minutes, when Zagreb had the advantage with 1-0? Dinamo Riga completely recovered from that and changed the game!
    Finally home team won this battle and scored 3 points today, visitors scored none
    Final score: Riga – Zagreb: 5-1!
    Thanks for attention!
    ---- (21:19:05)

    Kármán Zoltán

    Goals and assists: 33. Hossa (Bicevskis), 37. Bukarts (Dzerins), 48. Hascak (Szczechura, Nizivijs), 54. Ozolins (Darzins), 59. Darzins – 3. Linglet (Ellison)

    Dinamo Riga: Tellqvist (Sedlacek) – Begovs, Ozolins, K. Redlihs, Sotnieks, Skvorcovs, J. Redlihs, Nizivijs, Dzerins, Robinson, Szczechura, Cipulis, Bukarts, Hascak, Pujacs, Hossa, Darzins, Upitis, Bicevskis
    Medvescak Zagreb: Brust (Dekanich) – O'Connor, Klubertanz, Popovic, Linglet, Thomas, Nyström, Svarny, Glumac, Murray, Cheechoo, Vesce, Ryan, Murley, Kane, Letang, Iggulden, Foster, Bjorkstrand, Ellison, Katic

    Referees: Belov, Gusev